How to get to Gare Saint-Lazare in Paris using public transport

Here you will find transport options of how to get to Gare Saint-Lazare, often called Paris Saint-Lazare, including route maps and timetables for this train station in Paris, which is still one of the main public transport hubs for regional trains, RER, Metro, buses and Noctilien night buses. Additionally, Saint-Lazare train station links to two other stations close by called Haussmann Lazare and Saint-Augustin, and below you can also download PDF or image files for different plans, route maps and timetables directly to your PC or mobile device.

Gare Saint-Lazare transport map  |  Metros  |  Trains  |  Daytime Buses  |  Night Buses  |  Gare Saint-Lazare Plans  |

Gare Saint-Lazare transport map with Metro lines, trains, bus lines with stops, connections and street plan

How to get to Gare Saint-Lazare Paris transport map
Here you can see the map of how you to get to Gare Saint-Lazare utilising the public transport of buses, Metro, RER and Transilien trains, in addition to the street plan showing exactly where the different bus stops are located and how to reach the stations that are linked with it.

As a point of interest, for those of you that like architecture and history, the beautiful passenger hall of Gare Saint-Lazare is designed as a circular room with a vaulted ceiling making it like an eight-pillar rotunda with the columns being in an Art Deco style.

How to get to Gare Saint-Lazare public transport maps available:

Gare Saint-Lazare public transport map - PDF (with links to all transport maps)
Gare Saint-Lazare public transport map - Image

Gare Saint-Lazare Metro lines

Paris Metro Line 3 map with stations, connections and points of interest

Paris Metro Line 3 map with stops, connections and POI
These maps show the Paris Metro line 3 that goes from Pont de Levallois - Becon through to Gallieni also referred to as Gallieni Gare Routiere Internationale, which has additional Metro stops on route like Paris Saint-Lazare train station, Opera, Republique and others that have transport connections to other Metro lines, etc.

Metro Line 3 stops:

Pont de Levallois Becon, Anatole France, Louise Michel, Porte de Champerret, Pereire, Wagram, Malasherbes, Villiers, Europe, Saint-Lazare, Havre - Caumartin, Opera, Quatre-Septembre, Bourse, Sentier, Reaumur - Sebastopol, Arts et Metiers, Temple, Republique, Parmentier, Rue Saint-Maur, Pere Lachaise, Gambetta, Porte de Bagnolet, Gallieni.

Metro line 3 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 2, 3b, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines, A, C, E , J, L.
Tram Line: T3b.
Bus Line: RoissyBus.

Metro line 3 map formats available:

Paris Metro Line 3 map - PDF (standard map)
Paris Metro Line 3 map - PDF (with additional points of interest)
Paris Metro Line 3 map - Image (standard map)
Paris Metro Line 3 map - Image (with additional points of interest)

Paris Metro Line 9 map with stations, connections and points of interest

Paris Metro Line 9 map with stops, connections and POI
So here you have the RATP Paris Metro Line 9 map that goes from Pont de Sevres to Mairie de Montreuil, which has many different stops on route including Saint-Augustin that is linked to Gare Saint-Lazare, Strasbourg - Saint-Denis, Nation and Porte de Saint-Cloud, meaning this is one of the Parc de Princes transport options for the football stadium.

Also, as a point of interest, within the passageway connecting Metro Line 9 with Metro Line 14 between Saint-Augustin and Gare Saint-Lazare, you can discover an 8 metre wide mural by artist Genevieve Cadieux and a poem by Anne Hebert, which was part of an art inspired transport exchange.

Metro line 9 stops:

Pont de Sevres, Billancourt, Marcel Sembat, Porte de Saint-Cloud, Exelmans, Michel-Ange - Molitor, Jasmin, Ranelagh, La Muette, Rue de la Pompe, Trocadero, Iena, Alma - Marceau, Franklin D Roosevelt, Saint-Philippe-du-Roule, Miromesnil, Saint-Augustin, Havre - Caumartin, Chaussee d'Antin - La Fayette, Richelieu - Drouot, Grands Boulevards, Bonne Nouvelle, Strasbourg - Saint-Denis, Republique, Oberkampf, Saint-Ambrose, Voltaire, Charonne, Rue des Boulets, Nation, Buzenval, Maraichers, Porte de Montreuil, Robespierre, Croix de Chavaux, Mairie de Montreuil.

Metro line 9 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, C, E.
Tram Lines: T2, T3b.
Bus Line: RoissyBus.

Metro line 9 map formats available:

Paris Metro Line 9 map - PDF (standard map)
Paris Metro Line 9 map - PDF (with additional points of interest)
Paris Metro Line 9 map - Image (standard map)
Paris Metro Line 9 map - Image (with additional points of interest)
Gare Saint-Lazare front facade

Paris Metro Line 12 map with stations, connections and points of interest

Paris Metro Line 12 map with stops, connections and POI
Now this is the RATP Paris Metro Line 12 map showing its route from Mairie d'Aubervilliers to the Mairie d'Issy, with additional Metro stops in between close to many tourist attractions such as Abbesses and Pigalle in the Montmartre area, Madeleine and Concorde along with train stations of Saint-Lazare and Montparnasse - Bienvenue, not forgetting this is also an easy way of how to get to the Paris Parc des Expositions at the Porte de Versailles.

Metro line 12 stops:

Mairie d'Aubervilliers (Plaine des Vertus), Aime Cesaire, Front Populaire, Porte de la Chapelle, Marx Dormoy, Marcadet - Poissonniers, Jules Joffrin, Lamark - Caulaincourt, Abessesses, Pigalle, Saint-Georges, Notre-Dame-de-Lorette, Trinite - d'Estienne d'Orves, Saint-Lazare, Madeleine, Concorde, Assemblee Nationale, Solferino, Rue du Bac, Sevres - Babylone, Rennes, Notre-Dame-des-Champs, Montparnasse - Bienvenue, Falguire, Pasteur, Volontaires, Vaugirard, Convention, Porte de Versailles, Corentin Celton, Mairie d'Issy.

Metro line 12 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14.
Train Lines: C, E, J, L, N, Funiculaire de Montmartre.
Tram Lines: T2, T3a, T3b.

Metro line 12 map formats available:

Paris Metro Line 12 map - PDF (standard map)
Paris Metro Line 12 map - PDF (with additional points of interest)
Paris Metro Line 12 map - Image (standard map)
Paris Metro Line 12 map - Image (with additional points of interest)

Paris Metro Line 13 map with stations, connections and points of interest

Paris Metro Line 13 map with stops, connections and POI
Whereas Line 13 of the Paris Metro shows that it starts at either St-Denis Universite with a stop on this branch at Saint-Denis - Porte de Paris for one of the transport options to Stade de France, or the other line branch goes from Asnieres Gennevilliers - Les Courtilles. Then, as you can see from the maps, it links up at La Fourche where it continues on with Metro stops at many popular destinations in Paris itself including Place de Clichy, Saint-Lazare train station, Champs-Elysees - Clemenceau and Invalides before reaching Chatillon Montrouge.

Metro line 13 stops:

St-Denis Universite, Basilique de St-Denis, Saint-Denis - Porte de Paris, Carrefour Pleyel, Mairie de St-Ouen, Garibaldi, Porte de St-Ouen, Guy Moquet, Asnieres - Gennevilliers Les Courtilles, Les Agnettes, Gabriel Peri, Mairie de Clichy, Porte de Clichy, Brochant, La Fourche, Place de Clichy, Liege, Saint-Lazare, Miromesnil, Champs-Elysees - Clemenceau, Invalides, Varenne, Saint-Francois-Xavier, Duroc, Montparnasse - Bienvenue, Gaite, Pernety, Plaisance, Porte de Vanves, Malakoff - Plateau de Vanves, Malakoff - Rue Etienne Dolet, Chatillon Montrouge.

Metro line 13 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14.
Train Lines: C, E, J, L, N.
Tram Lines: T1, T3a, T3b, T5, T6, T8.

Metro line 13 map formats available:

Paris Metro Line 13 map - PDF (standard map)
Paris Metro Line 13 map - PDF (with additional points of interest)
Paris Metro Line 13 map - Image (standard map)
Paris Metro Line 13 map - Image (with additional points of interest)

Paris Metro Line 14 map with stations, connections and points of interest

Paris Metro line 14 map with stops, connections and POI
However, here you can see the maps for the RATP Paris Metro Line 14, which travels between Gare Saint-Lazare and Olympiades, which has additional stops at Metro stations in between like Chatelet, Gare de Lyon and the Bibliotheque Francois Mitterrand, which are also all Paris transport hubs for numerous connections, not forgetting that this is also a disabled friendly Metro line.

Metro line 14 stops:

Mairie de Saint-Ouen (Region Ile-de-France), Saint-Ouen, Porte de Clichy (Tribunal de Paris), Pont Cardinet, Saint-Lazare, Madeleine, Pyramides, Chatelet, Gare de Lyon, Bercy, Cour Saint-Emilion, Bibliotheque Francois Mitterrand, Olympiades.

Metro line 14 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13.
Train Lines: A, B, C, D, E, J, L, R.
Tram Lines: T3a Walk, T3b.

Some attractions close to Metro line 14 stops:

Square Marcel Pagnol, Chapelle Expiatoire, Cafe Marco Polo, Place de la Madeleine and Church, Fauchon, Hediard, La Maison de la Truffe, Fragonard Theatre Musee des Capucines, La Belle Epoque Cabaret, Palais Royal and Petit Canon, The Louvre, Tuileries Gardens, Musee des Arts Decoratifs , Place de Chatelet, Saint-Jacques Tower, Dans la Noir Restaurant, Fontaine des Innocents, River Seine, Le Train Bleu Restaurant, Cafe Barge, Les Docks, l'Improviste Jazz Club, Le Playtime, Le VIP Paris, Bercy Park, POPB Arena, Cinematheque Francaise and Museum, Dame de Canton, Nix Nox, Bercy Village, Yitzhak Rabin Garden, Fairground Museum, Bercy Pavilions, Chai 33 Restaurant, Le Batofar, Bibliotheque Francois Mitterand Forest Garden, Globes of Louis XIV Museum, Allee Arthur Rimbaud, Bateau El Alamein, Cyprian Norwid Garden.

Metro line 14 map formats available:

Paris Metro Line 14 map - PDF (standard map)
Paris Metro Line 14 map - PDF (with additional points of interes)
Paris Metro Line 14 map - Image (standard map)
Paris Metro Line 14 map - Image (with additional points of interest)

Gare Saint-Lazare train lines

Pink RER E train line map showing station stops, line branches, transport connections and zones

RER E train map with line branches, connections and zones
As you can see from the Gare Saint-Lazare street map at the top of the page, it shows the RER E Line, yet this particular train line actually goes from Haussmann St-Lazare, which is only a very short walk away and is also connected from the mainline train station. So, this is the pink coloured RER line E that goes from Haussmann St-Lazare, also stopping at the Gare du Nord train station before branching off to either Chelles Gournay in ticket tariff Zone 4 or Tournan in tariff Zone 5.

Paris RER E train line stops:

Haussmann St-Lazare*, Gare du Nord - Magenta, Rosa Parks, Pantin, Noisy le Sec, Bondy, Le Raincy - Villemomble - Montfermeil, Gagny, Le Chenay - Gagny, Chelles - Gournay*, Rosny - Bois Perrier, Rosny-sous-Bois, Val de Fontenay, Nogent - Le Perreux, Les Boullereaux - Champigny, Villiers sur Marne - Le Plessis Trevise, Les Yvris - Noisy le Grand, Emerainville - Pontault Combault, Roissy en Brie,  Ozoir la Ferriere,  Gretz - Armainvilliers, Tournan*.

* Terminus Points.

Paris RER E train line main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, B, D, H, J, K, L, P, TER, TGV.
Tram Lines: T1, T3b, T4.

Live Train times:

Train arrivals and departures at Haussmann Saint-Lazare

Paris RER E train line maps available:

RER E train line map - PDF (standard quality)
RER E train line map - PDF (high quality)
RER E train line map - Image (standard quality)
RER E train line map - Image (high quality)

Transilien train line J map showing station stops, line branches, transport connections and zones

Transilien train line J map with line branches, connections and zones
Now this train station is often referred to as Paris Saint-Lazare, as you can see from the map of Transilien Line J, which travels from this Paris train station to the very outskirts of the Paris region and beyond in Ile de France with many major connection points, basically like a TER or Intercities service that the Gare Saint-Lazare is renowned for and below you can see the link providing live updates on arrivals and departures at Gare Saint-Lazare.

Paris train line J stops:

Paris Saint-Lazare*, Asnieres sur Seine, Bois Colombes, Colombes, Le Stade, Argenteuil, Sannois, Ermont Eaubonne*, Val d'Argentuil, Cormeilles en Parisis, La Frette Montigny, Herblay, Conflans Ste-Honorine, Eragny Neuville, St-Ouen l'Aumone (Quartier de l'Eglise), Pontoise**, Osny, Boissy l'Aillerie, Montgeroult - Courcelles, Us, Santeuil le Perchay, Chars, La Villetertre, Liancourt St-Pierre, Chaumont en Vexin, Trie Chateau, Gisors*, Houilles - Carrieres sur Seine, Sartroville, Maisons Lafitte, Poissy, Villennes sur Seine, Vernouillet - Verneuil, Les Clairieres de Verneuil, Les Mureaux, Aubergenville - Elisabethville, Epone Mezieres, Mantes Station, Mantes la Jolie**, Breval, Evreux*, Conflans Fin d'Oise, Maurecourt, Andresy, Chanteloup les Vignes, Triel sur Seine, Vaux sur Seine, Thun le Paradis, Meulan - Hardricourt, Juziers, Gargenville, Issou - Porcheville, Limay, Rosy sur Seine, Bonnieres, Vernon*.

* Terminus Points.
** Train J Transfer Points.

Paris train line J main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 3, 9, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, C, E, H, L, N, TER.

Paris train line J maps available:

Transilien train J map - PDF (standard quality)
Transilien train J map - PDF (high quality)
Transilien train J map - Image (standard quality)
Transilien train J map - Image (high quality)

Transilien train line L map showing station stops, line branches, transport connections and zones

Transilien train line L map with line branches, connections and zones
However, the SNCF Transilien train line L also begins at Paris Saint-Lazare and branches off to Versailles Rive Droite, which is one option of how to get to Chateau de Versailles, but this regional train line also has other terminus points in the Paris region like Cergy le Haut, along with train stops by attractions like La Defense (Grande Arche) and St-Cloud, etc.

Paris train line L stops:

Paris Saint-Lazare*, Pont Cardinet, Clichy Levallois, Asnieres sur Seine, Becon les Bruyeres, Courbevoie, La Defense (Grande Arche), Puteaux, Suresnes - Mont Valerien, Le Val d'Or, St-Cloud, Sevres - Ville d'Avray, Chaville Rive Droite, Viroflay Rive Droite, Montreuil, Versailles Rive Droite*, Garches - Marnes la Coquette, Vaucresson, La Celle St-Cloud, Bougival, Louveciennes, Marly le Roi, L'Etang la Ville, St-Nom la Breteche - Foret de Marly**, Noisy le Roi*, Mareil Marly, St-Germain en Laye - Bel Air Fourqueux, St-Germain en Laye G.C.*, Les Vallees, La Garenne Colombes, Nanterre Universite, Houilles - Carrieres sur Seine, Sartrouville, Maisons Lafitte, Acheres Ville, Conflans - Fin d'Oise, Neuville Universite, Cergy - Prefecture, Cergy - St-Christophe, Cergy le Haut*.

* Terminus Points.
** Train L Transfer Point.

Paris train line L main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 3, 9, 12, 13, 14.
Trian Lines: A, E, J, U, TER.
Tram Lines: T2, T6, T13.

Paris train line L maps available:

Transilien train L map - PDF (standard quality)
Transilien train L map - PDF (high quality)
Transilien train L map - Image (standard quality)
Transilien train L map - Image (high quality)
Inside Gare Saint-Lazare

Gare Saint-Lazare Paris daytime bus lines

RATP Paris bus line 20 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris Bus line 20 map with stops and connections
This map and its timetables show the Paris bus route for the RATP line 20 that travels between Louison Bobet and Porte des Lilas. Although as you can see from the street plan there are numerous stops that are only served in a particular direction, whether it be a different name or the bus stop is at a different place, just like at Gare Saint-Lazare train station that shows as the Pasquier - Anjou stop on the Boulevard Haussmann in one direction and the Gare Saint-Lazare bus stop on Rue de la Pepiniere in the other direction.

Paris bus line 20 stops:

Louison Bobet, Alsace**, Curnonsky*, Reims - Hotel des Impots*, Porte d’Asnieres - Marguerite Long, Juliette Lamber, Wagram - Pereire, Jouffroy d’Abbans - Malesherbes, Place du General Catroux, Malesherbes - Courcelles, Lisbonne - Mairie du 8e, Saint-Augustin, Gare Saint-Lazare*, Pasquier - Anjou*, Havre - Haussmann, Auber, Opera, Opera - Quatre Septembre**, Choiseul*, Richelie - Drouot*, Richelieu - Quatre Septembre**, Bourse**, Grands Boulevards*, Reaumur - Montmartre**, Poissonniere - Bonne Nouvelle*, Sentier**, Porte Saint-Denis*, Reaumur - Sebastopol**, Reaumur - Arts et Metiers**, Porte Saint-Martin*, Arts et Metiers**, Square du Temple**, Lancry - Saint-Martin*, Turbigo - Republique**, Republique - Magenta**, Republique, Ferry - Lenoir**, Jules Ferry*, Parmentier - Republique**, Goncourt*, Saint-Maur - Jean Aicard**, Belleville - Menilmontant**, Couronnes**, Faubourg du Temple - Piver*, Ramponeau**, Belleville, Julien Lacroix, Pyrenees - Belleville, Jourdain, Rue des Fetes, Pixerecourt, Pelleport - Belleville, Haxo, Porte des Lilas Metro, Porte des Lilas.

* Served in direction of Louison Bobet.
** Served in direction of Porte des Lilas.

Paris bus line 20 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 2, 3, 3bis, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, E, J, L.
Tram Line: T3b.

Paris bus 20 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 20 map - PDF (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 20 map - PDF (high quality)
RATP Bus Line 20 map - Image (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 20 map - Image (high quality)

Paris bus 20 timetables:

RATP Bus 20 timetables - PDF
RATP Bus 20 timetables - Image

RATP Paris bus line 21 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus line 21 map with stops and connections
The RATP Paris bus line 21 is the same scenario as above with many bus stops only being served in a particular direction, yet going from Porte de Saint-Ouen - Hopital Bichat to Stade Charlety - Porte de Gentilly, there are numerous transport connections at places such as Gare Saint-Lazare either at the Havre stop or at the Budapest stop on the Rue d'Amsterdam, plus others in Paris at Auber, Pyramides, Chatelet, etc.

Paris bus line 21 stops:

Porte de Saint-Ouen - Hopital Bichat, Porte de Saint-Ouen, Navier, Guy Moquet, Davy, La Fourche, Ganneron, Place de Clichy, Liege, Gare Saint-Lazare - Budapest**, Trinite*, Gare Saint-Lazare - Havre**, Havre - Haussmann**, Haussmann - Mogador*, Auber**, Opera, Opera - 4 Septembre, Petits Champs - Danielle Casanova*, Pyramides, Palais Royal - Comedie Francaise**, Palais Royal - Musee du Louvre*, Saint-Honore - Valois**, Louvre - Rivoli, Rivoli - Pont Neuf*, Pont Neuf - Quai du Louvre**, Chatelet**, Rivoli - Chatelet*, Cite - Palais de Justice, Saint-Michel - Saint-Germain, Les Ecoles, Luxembourg, Saint-Jacques - Gay-Lussac, Feuillantines, Berthollet - Vauquelin, Port Royal - Berthollet, Glaciere - Arago, Glaciere - Nordmann, Glaciere - Auguste Blanqui, Daviel, Glaciere - Tolbiac, Parc Montsouris, Am. Mouchez Charbonnel*, Cite Universitaire**, Stade Charlety - Porte de Gentilly.

* Stop served in direction of Porte de Saint-Ouen - Hopital Bichat.
** Stop served in direction of Stade Charlety - Porte de Gentilly.

Paris bus line 21 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, B, D, E, J, L.
Tram Lines: T3a, T3b.

Paris bus 21 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 21 Map - PDF (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 21 Map - PDF (high quality)
RATP Bus Line 21 Map - Image (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 21 Map - Image (high quality)

Paris bus 21 timetables:

RATP Bus 21 Timetables - PDF
RATP Bus 21 Timetables - Image

RATP Paris bus line 22 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris Bus line 22 map with stops and connections
However, this map and timetables shows the Paris Bus route for the RATP line 22 that travels from Porte de Saint-Cloud to Gare Saint-Lazare train station with the main bus stop being on the Rue du Rocher, and with numerous other stops on its route, this includes Charles de Gaulle - Etoile, which is one way of how to get to the Arc de Triomphe and also catch many different transport connections, even for the CDG Paris airport.

Paris bus line 22 stops:

Porte de Saint-Cloud, Porte de Saint-Cloud - Murat, Versailles - Chardon-Lagache, Versailles - Exelmans**, Jouvenet*, Victorien Sardou**, Chardon-Lagache - Molitor*, Wilhem**, Pont Mirabeau**, Eglise d’Auteuil, George Sand - La Fontaine**, Perrichont*, Jasmin**, Theophile Gautier - Rue Gros*, Place du Docteur Hayem - Radio France*, Assomption - Radio France*, Ranelagh**, Les Vignes - Boulainvilliers RER*, La Muette - Boulainvilliers, Place Possoz, La Tour, Scheffer, Trocadero, Kleber - Boissiere, Kleber - Paul Valery, Charles de Gaulle - Etoile - Kleber, Charles de Gaulle - Etoile, Hoche - Saint-Honore, Friedland - Haussmann, Haussmann - Courcelles, Haussmann - Miromesnil, Saint-Augustin - La Boetie*, Saint-Augustin, Pasquier - Anjou*, Gare Saint-Lazare.

* Stop served in direction of Porte de Saint-Cloud.
** Stop served in direction of Gare Saint-Lazare.

Paris bus line 22 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, C, E, J, L.

Paris bus 22 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 22 map - PDF (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 22 map - PDF (high quality)
RATP Bus Line 22 map - Image (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 22 map - Image (high quality)

Paris bus 22 timetables:

RATP Bus 22 timetables - PDF
RATP Bus 22 timetables - Image

RATP Paris bus line 26 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 26 map with stops and connections
Here you can see the RATP Paris bus line 26 with its route map and timetables that travels from Gare Saint-Lazare to Nation-Trone, with connections at various transport hubs along the way including Gare du Nord - Dunkerque, Jaures - Stalingrad and Cours de Vincennes to name a few, but please bear in mind that some bus stops are only served in a particular direction.

Paris bus line 26 stops:

Gare Saint-Lazare, Gare Saint-Lazare - Budapest*, Trinite, St-Georges - Chateaudun, Carrefour de Chateaudun, Chateaudun - Lamartine*, Cadet*, Maubeuge - Rochechouart*, Square Montholon*, Condorcet*, Place Franz Liszt*, Magenta - Maubeuge*, La Fayette - St-Quentin - Gare du Nord*, Gare du Nord - Dunkerque*, La Fayette - Dunkerque, Chateau Landon, Louis Blanc*, Jaures - Stalingrad*, Marche Secretan, Mathurin Moreau - S. Bolivar, Atlas, Botzaris - Buttes Chaumont, Pyrenees - Belleville, Jourdain, L'Ermitage, Pyrenees - Menilmontant, Villiers de l'Isle Adam, Gambetta - Pyrenees, Ramus, Pyrenees - Bagnolet, Orteaux, Maraichers, La Plaine, Cours de Vincennes, Marsoulan, Nation - Trone.

* Stop only served in a particular direction.

Paris bus line 26 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 2, 3, 3bis, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7bis, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, B, D, E, H, J, K, L, P.
Tram Lines: T3a, T3b.

Paris bus 26 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 26 map - PDF (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 26 map - PDF (high quality)
RATP Bus Line 26 map - Image (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 26 map - Image (high quality)

Paris bus 26 timetables:

RATP Bus 26 timetables - PDF
RATP Bus 26 timetables - Image

RATP Paris bus line 27 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 27 map with stops and connections
You will find that the Paris Bus route for the RATP bus line 27 also travels from Gare Saint-Lazare at the Place Gabriel Peri bus stop but goes to Porte d'Ivry, and this route has many different bus stops going to famous tourist attractions including Palais-Royal - Comedie Francaise, Musee du Louvre, Saint-Michel, Luxembourg plus many more. Yet as you can see from the maps and timetables, there are some stops only served in a certain direction, just like if you are thinking of how to get to Musee du Louvre, so please do take note of this.

Paris bus line 27 stops:

Gare Saint-Lazare, Havre - Haussmann, Auber, Opera, Opera - 4 Septembre, Petits Champs - D. Casanova*, Pyramides, Palais-Royal - Comedie Francaise, Musee du Louvre*, Quai Francois Mitterrand**, Pont du Carrousel - Quai Voltaire*, Pont des Arts**, Pont des Arts - Quai de Conti*, Pont Neuf - Quai du Louvre**, Pont Neuf - Quai des Orfevres**, Pt Neuf - Quai des Gds Augustins*, Pt St-Michel - Quai des Orfevres**, Saint-Michel*, Saint-Michel - Saint-Germain, Les Ecoles, Luxembourg, Saint-Jacques - Gay-Lussac, Feuillantines, Berthollet - Vauquelin, Monge - Claude Bernard, Les Gobelins, Banquier, Place d’Italie - Mairie du 13e, Place d’Italie - Auriol, Les Alpes, Nationale, Clisson, Jeanne d’Arc - Eglise de la Gare, Patay - Tolbiac, Oudine, Regnault, Massena - Darmesteter*, Porte de Vitry, Claude Regaud**, Porte d'Ivry.

* Stop served in direction of Gare Saint-Lazare.
** Stop served in direction of Porte d'Ivry.

Paris bus line 27 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, B, C, E, L, J.
Tram Line: T3a.

Paris bus 27 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 27 map - PDF (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 27 map - PDF (high quality)
RATP Bus Line 27 map - Image (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 27 map - Image (high quality)

Paris bus 27 timetables:

RATP Bus 27 timetables - PDF
RATP Bus 27 timetables - Image

RATP Paris bus 28 map with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 28 map with stops and connections
Going from Porte de Clichy to Gare Montparnasse transport hub by the Tour Montparnasse, the RATP Paris bus line 28 has several bus stops in between, and as you can see from the route maps and street plan, there is also the Saint-Augustin bus stop on the Rue de la Pepiniere and on Boulevard Haussman depending upon direction of travel located close to Gare Saint-Lazare train station as well.

Paris bus line 28 stops:

Porte de Clichy, Berthier - Rostropovitch, Rostropovitch - Pont Teresa, Pont Cardinet, Legendre, Rome - Batignolles, Europe, Gare Saint-Lazare, Saint-Augustin, La Boetie - Miromesnil, Haussmann - Miromesnil, Matignon - Saint-Honore, Saint-Philippe-du-Roule, Rond-Point des Champs-Elysees - Matignon, Rond-Point des Champs-Elysees - Roosevelt, Rond-Point des Champs-Elysees, Palais de la Decouverte, Pont des Invalides - Place de Finlande, La Tour Maubourg - Saint-Dominique, Invalides - La Tour Maubourg, Rue Cler, Ecole Militaire, Duquesne-Lowendal, El Salvador, Breteuil, Hopital des Enfants Malades, Maine - Vaugirard, Montparnasse - Alencon, Montparnasse - Rue de l’Arrivee, Montparnasse, Gare Montparnasse.

Paris bus line 28 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: C, E, J, L, N.
Tram Line: T3b.

Paris bus 28 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 28 map - PDF (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 28 map - PDF (high quality)
RATP Bus Line 28 map - Image (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 28 map - Image (high quality)

Paris bus 28 timetables:

RATP Bus 28 timetables - PDF
RATP Bus 28 timetables - Image

RATP Paris bus 29 map with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 29 map with stops and connections
Here we have the RATP Paris bus route 29, which travels between Gare Saint-Lazare, Place des Vosges and Porte de Montempoivre, although, as you can see from the maps and timetables, we would like to point out that between Gare Saint-Lazare and Place des Vosges, the bus stops are not served on a Sunday until evening with the first departure from Gare Saint-Lazare at 17:57 from October to April and 19:15 from May to September.

Paris bus line 29 stops:

Gare Saint-Lazare, Havre - Haussmann, Auber, Opera, Opera - Quatre Septembre, Petits Champs - Danielle Casanova**, Richelieu - Quatre Septembre*, Bibliotheque Nationale**, Bourse*, Mairie du 2e*, Victoires, Louvre - Etienne Marcel**, Etienne Marcel - Montmartre, Turbigo - Etienne Marcel, Sebastopol - Etienne Marcel, Grenier St-Lazare - Quartier de l’Horloge, Centre Georges Pompidou*, Archives - Rambuteau*, Archives - Haudriettes**, Rue Vieille du Temple, Turenne - Saint-Gilles**, Payenne*, Place des Vosges*, Tournelles-Saint-Gilles**, Bastille - Beaumarchais, Bastille, Lyon - Ledru-Rollin*, Daumesnil - Ledru-Rollin**, Gare de Lyon - Diderot*, Daumesnil - Diderot (Gare de Lyon), Rambouillet, Charles Bossut, Mairie du 12e, Dubrunfaut, Daumesnil - Felix Eboue, Docteur Goujon - Reuilly, Picpus - Reuilly, Hopital Rothschild, Fabre d’Eglantine, Picpus, Docteur Netter, Porte de Saint-Mande, J. Lemaitre - M. Ravel*, Porte de Montempoivre.

* Served in direction of Porte de Montempoivre.
** Served in direction of Gare Saint-Lazare.

Paris bus line 29 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, D, E, J, L, R.
Tram Line: T3a.

Paris bus 29 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 29 map - PDF (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 29 map - PDF (high quality)
RATP Bus Line 29 map - Image (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 29 map - Image (high quality)

Paris bus 29 timetables:

RATP Bus 29 timetables - PDF
RATP Bus 29 timetables - Image

RATP Paris bus line 32 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 32 map with stops and connections
Now this map shows the Paris Bus route for the RATP line 32 that travels between Porte d'Auteuil and Gare de l'Est train station, and has over 40 bus stops in between for different transport connections like at Gare Saint-Lazare, yet as you can see from the maps, there are certain stops depending upon your direction of travel.

Paris bus line 32 stops:

Porte d'Auteuil, Gare d’Auteuil**, Alfred Capus, Raffet, Porte de Passy, Louis Boilly**, Avenue Ingres*, La Muette - Boulainvilliers, Passy - Boulainvilliers**, Place de Passy**, Place Possoz*, Jean Bologne**, La Tour*, Passy - La Tour**, Scheffer, Trocadero, Albert de Mun, Iena, Marceau - P. 1er de Serbie - Pl. de Beyrouth, Pierre Charron - Francois 1er, La Boetie - Champs-Elysees, Rd-Pt des Champs-Elysees - Matignon**, Saint-Philippe du Roule*, Matignon - Saint-Honore**, Haussmann - Miromesnil**, La Boetie - Miromesnil*, Saint-Augustin, Pasquier - Anjou*, Gare Saint-Lazare**, Rome - Haussmann*, Havre - Haussmann**, Havre - Caumartin*, Auber, Opera**, Chaussee d'Antin*, Choiseul**, Le Peletier - Haussmann*, Richelieu - Drouot**, Carrefour Chateaudun*, Cadet*, Square Montholon*, Grands Boulevards**, Poissonniere - Bonne Nouvelle**, Hauteville*, Porte Saint-Denis**, Chateau d’Eau**, Faubourg - Saint-Denis*, Gare de l'Est.

* Stop served in direction of Porte d'Auteuil.
** Stop served in direction of Gare de l'Est.

Paris bus line 32 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: C, E, J, L, P.

Paris bus 32 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 32 map - PDF (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 32 map - PDF (high quality)
RATP Bus Line 32 map - Image (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 32 map - Image (high quality)

Paris bus 32 timetables:

RATP Bus 32 timetables - PDF
RATP Bus 32 timetables - Image

RATP Paris bus line 42 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 42 map with stops and connections
Whereas this map shows the Paris Bus route for the RATP line 42 that travels between Cours de l'Ile Seguin and the Gare Saint-Lazare train station where you can find bus stops at various locations around this transport hub including on the streets called the Cour du Rome, Rue du Havre and Boulevard Haussmann plus this has additional bus stops on route like Champ de Mars - Suffren for how to get to the Eiffel Tower tourist attraction, etc.

Paris bus line 42 stops:

Cours de l'Ile Seguin, Parch de Billancourt, Place Jules Guesde, Marche de Billancourt, Marcel Sembat - Metro, Rene Descartes, Henri Martin, Porte de Saint-Cloud, Porte de Saint-Cloud-Murat, Versailles - Chardon Lagache, Versailles Exelmans, Pont du Garigliano, Hopital Europeen - Georges Pompidou, Rue Leblanc (Entree Principale de l'Hop.), Leblanc - Delbarre**, Place Balard, Balard - Lecourbe*, Saint-Charles - Balard**, Lecourbe - Vasco de Gama*, Vasco de Gama - Lourmel*, Lourmel - Felix Faure*, Rond-Point Saint-Charles**, Convention - Saint-Charles**, Convention - Lourmel*, Charles Michels, Theatre, Rue Rouelle, Docteur Finlay**, Dupleix, Desaix, Champ de Mars - Suffren, Rapp - La Bourdonnais, Monttessuy, Tour Eiffel, Bosquet - Rapp, Alma - Marceau, Montaigne - Francois 1er, Rond-Point des Champs-Elysees, Champs-Elysees - Clemenceau, Concorde - Cours la Reine, Concorde*, Concorde - Royale**, Madeleine - Malesherbes*, Madeleine*, Havre - Haussmann, Gare Saint-Lazare - Havre*, Gare Saint-Lazare.

* Stop served in the direction of Cours de l'Ile Seguin.
** Stop served in the direction of Gare Saint-Lazare.

Paris bus line 42 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: C, E, J, L.
Tram Line: T3a.

Paris bus 42 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 42 map - PDF (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 42 map - PDF (high quality)
RATP Bus Line 42 map - Image (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 42 map - Image (high quality)

Paris bus 42 timetables:

RATP Bus 42 timetables - PDF
RATP Bus 42 timetables - Image

RATP Paris bus line 43 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 43 map with stops and connections
This next map and its timetables shows the RATP Paris bus line 43 that travels from either the horserace course of Hippodrome de Longchamp or Neuilly - Bagatelle to Gare du Nord, which has over 30 additional bus stops such as Gare Saint-Lazare along with others that have transport connections to metro lines and RER train lines just like Pereire - Porte Maillot in the tariff Zone 2.

Paris bus line 43 stops:

Hippodrome de Longchamp*, Longchamp - GoodPlanet**, Les Moulins - Camping* ***, Route des Moulins* ***, Parc de Bagatelle*, Neuilly - Bagatelle, Place de Bagatelle, Rue du Centre, Rue du Bois de Boulogne, Maurice Barres, Pont de Neuilly, General Gouraud, Rue de l’Eglise**, Sainte-Foy, Eglise Saint-Pierre, Chartres, Montrosier - Parmentier, General Koenig - Palais des Congres, Pereire - Porte Maillot, Eglise Saint-Ferdinand, Ternes - Mac-Mahon, Ternes, Hoch - Saint-Honore, Friedland - Haussmann, Haussmann - Courcelles, Haussmann - Miromesnil, Saint-Augustin - La Boetie***, Saint-Augustin**, Pasquier - Anjou***, Gare Saint-Lazare**, Gare Saint-Lazare - Havre***, Gare Saint-Lazare - Budapest***, Trinite, Saint-Georges - Chateaudun, Carrefour de Chateaudun, Chateaudun - Lamartine***, Cadet**, Maubeuge - Rochechouart***, Square Montholon**, Condorcet***, Magenta - Maubeuge***, Place Franz Liszt**, Lafayette - Magenta**, Gare du Nord - Dunkerque***, Gare du Nord.

* Stop only served on a Saturday and Sunday.
** Served in the direction of Gare du Nord.
*** Served in the direction of Neuilly - Bagatelle / Hippodrome de Longchamp.

Paris bus line 43 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: B, C, D, E, J, L.

Paris bus 43 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 43 map - PDF (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 43 map - PDF (high quality)
RATP Bus Line 43 map - Image (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 43 map - Image (high quality)

Paris bus 43 timetables:

RATP Bus 43 timetables - PDF
RATP Bus 43 timetables - Image

RATP Paris bus line 66 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 66 map with stops and connections
So here is the RATP Paris bus line 66 that has a route from Saint-Ouen - Les Docks through to Opera and has bus stops with many transport connections including Auber and the Gare Saint-Lazare train station by the Rue de Rome and Place Gabriel Peri.

Paris bus line 66 stops:

Saint-Ouen - Les Docks, Parvis des Bateliers, Les Bateliers, Capitaine Glarner, Saint-Ouen RER, Victor Hugo - Sanzillon, General Leclerc - Victor Hugo, Floreal, Bois Le Pretre, Epinettes - Pouchet, Rue Pouchet, Navier, La Jonquiere, Brochant - Cardinet, Parc Martin Luther King, Pont Cardinet - Batignolles, Square des Batignolles, Lobligeois, La Condamine, Mairie du 17e, Boulevard des Batignolles, Bucarest, Europe, Gare Saint-Lazare - Rome, Gare Saint-Lazare, Rome - Haussman, Havre - Haussmann, Havre - Caumartin, Auber, Gluck Haussmann, Opera.

Paris bus line 66 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, C, E, J, L.
Tram Line: T3b.

Paris bus 66 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 66 map - PDF (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 66 map - PDF (high quality)
RATP Bus Line 66 map - Image (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 66 map - Image (high quality)

Paris bus 66 timetables:

RATP Bus 66 timetables - PDF
RATP Bus 66 timetables - Image

RATP Paris bus line 80 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 80 map with stops and connections
However, as you can see from the street maps and timetables for the Paris bus line 80, this travels between Porte de Versailles and Mairie du 18e - Jules Joffrin, yet you have to follow the arrows for the direction you wish to travel as there are numerous bus stops only served one way or the other, although some like at Gare Saint-Lazare - Rome have two stops on the same road for each direction and an additional bus stop located very close but with a different name, which in this case is Pasquier - Anjou.

Paris bus line 80 stops:

Porte de Versailles, Firmin Gillot**, Boulevard Victor*, Hameau*, Vaugirard - Croix Nivert**, Hopital de Vaugirard**, Duranton*, Convention - Lecourbe*, Convention - Vaugirard**, Abbe Groult, Vaugirard**, Mairie du 15e, Peclet**, Cambronne - Lecourbe*, Miollis*, Fondary**, Cambronne, La Motte-Picquet - Grenelle, General de Bollardiere, Ecole Militaire, Bosquet - Grenelle, Bosquet - Saint-Dominique, Bosquet - Rapp, Alma - Marceau, Montaigne - Francois 1er, Rond-Point des Champs-Elysees, Rd-Pt des Champs-Elysees - F. D. Roosevelt*, Rd-Pt des Champs-Elysees - Matignon**, Saint-Philippe du Roule*, Matignon - Saint-Honore**, Haussmann - Miromesnil**, La Boetie - Miromesnil*, Saint-Augustin, Pasquier - Anjou*, Gare Saint-Lazare - Rome, Europe, Bucarest, Place de Clichy, Place de Clichy - Caulaincourt*, Clichy - Caulaincourt**, Damremont - Caulaincourt, Square Caulaincourt, Lamarck - Caulaincourt, Custine - Mont-Cenis, Custine - Ramey*, Marcadet*, Mairie du 18e - Jules Joffrin.

* Stop served in direction of Porte de Versailles.
** Stop served in direction of Mairie du 18e - Jules Joffrin.

Paris bus line 80 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: C, E, J, L.
Tram Lines: T2, T3a.

Paris bus 80 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 80 map - PDF (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 80 map - PDF (high quality)
RATP Bus Line 80 map - Image (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 80 map - Image (high quality)

Paris bus 80 timetables:

RATP Bus 80 timetables - PDF
RATP Bus 80 timetables - Image

RATP Paris bus line 94 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 94 map with stops and connections
Yet this map shows the Paris Bus route for the RATP line 94 that travels between Pont de Levallois and the Gare Montparnasse train station, and it has additional bus stops near some tourist attractions that have additional transport connections like Concorde, Sevres - Babylone and Gare Saint-Lazare where there are different bus stops on the Rue de Rome for Pont de Levallois - Becon and Place Gabriel Peri for the direction of Montparnasse.

Paris bus line 94 stops:

Pont de Levallois, Pompidou, Parc Mathilde Girault, Anatole France - Paul Vaillant Couturier, Place Marie-Jeanne Bassot, Parc de la Planchette, Baudin, Vaillant-Couturier, Aristide Briand, Rouquier - Rivay, Marjolin, Trezel, Victor Hugo - Jean Jaures, Alsace, Porte d'Asnieres - Marguerite Long, Juliette Lamber, Pereire - Tocqueville, Pereire - Saussure, Pont Cardinet, Legendre, Rome - Batignolles, Europe, Gare Saint-Lazare - Rome, Gare Saint-Lazare, Rome - Haussmann, Havre - Haussmann, Madeleine, Madeleine - Malesherbes, Concorde - Royale, Assemblee Nationale, Lille - Universite, Solferino - Bellechasse, Rue de Bac - Rene Char, Charlotte Perriand, Sevres - Babylone, Rue du Cherche-Midi, Rennes - Raspail, Rennes - Saint-Placide, Rennes - Littre, Montparnasse, Montparnasse - Rue de l'Arrivee, Gare Montparnasse.

Paris bus line 94 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: E, J, L, N.
Tram Line: T3b.

Paris bus 94 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 94 map - PDF (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 94 map - PDF (high quality)
RATP Bus Line 94 map - Image (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 94 map - Image (high quality)

Paris bus 94 timetables:

RATP Bus 94 timetables - PDF
RATP Bus 94 timetables - Image

RATP Paris bus line 95 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 95 map with stops and connections
But here you have the RATP Paris Bus route for line 95 travelling between the Porte de Vanves - Place Simard and the Porte de Montmartre with over 50 bus stops many linking to other transport connections like Gare Montparnasse, Saint-Germain-de-Pres, Pyramides, etc. Although when you look at the map and its timetables you will see several that have stops at a similar place with an arrow depicting the direction of travel, just like at Gare Saint-Lazare where there are four bus stops and two for each terminus point either way.

Paris bus line 95 stops:

Porte de Vanves - Place Simard, Adolphe Pinard*, Pont de la Vallee*, Bartholome*, Porte de Vanves**, Brancion*, Chauvelot**, Morillons - Brancion*, Morillons**, Brancion - Vouille*, Labrouste - Vouille**, Alleray*, Falguiere**, Procession*, Institut Pasteur, Pasteur - Docteur Roux*, Pasteur - Falguiere**, Armorique - Musee Postal, Gare Montparnasse, Montparnasse - Rue de l'Arrivee*, Montparnasse**, Rennes - Littre, Rennes - Saint-Placide, Rennes - d'Assas, Michel Debre, Saint-Germain-des-Pres, Jacob, Pont du Carrousel - Quai Voltaire, Musee du Louvre, Palais Royal - Comedie Francaise, Pyramides, Petits Champs - Danielle Casanova**, Opera - Quatre Septembre, Opera, Auber, Havre - Haussmann*, Gare Saint-Lazare - Havre*, Gare Saint-Lazare**, Gare Saint-Lazare - Rome, Europe, Bucarest, Place de Clichy, Place de Clichy - Caulaincourt*, Clichy - Caulaincourt**, Damremont - Caulaincourt (Sacre-Coeur), Damremont - Lamarck**, Place Jacques Froment, Damremont - Marcadet, Damremont - Ordener, Damremont - Championnet, Poteau - Belliard, Angelique Compoint, Rene Binet, G. de Nerval**, Porte de Montmartre.

* Stop served in direction of Porte de Vanves - Place Simard.
** Stop served in direction of Porte de Montmartre.

Paris bus line 95 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, E, J, L, N.
Tram Line: T3a.

Paris bus 95 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 95 map - PDF (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 95 map - PDF (high quality)
RATP Bus Line 95 map - Image (standard quality)
RATP Bus Line 95 map - Image (high quality)

Paris bus 95 timetables:

RATP Bus 95 timetables - PDF
RATP Bus 95 timetables - Image
Trains leaving Gare Saint-Lazare

Gare Saint-Lazare night bus lines

Paris Noctilien night bus N01 map with stops and transport connections

Paris Noctilien night bus line N01 map with stops and connections
The Noctilien bus line N01 is a night bus service that runs from approximately 12:30am through to 5:30am when other transport has stopped for the night, and classed as the Circulaire Interieure, this night bus route travels around Paris in a complete circuit stopping at key locations to change bus lines including Gare de l'Est, Gare du Nord, Gare de Lyon and the Gare Saint-Lazare train station where you will find the bus stop on the Rue Saint-Lazare.

Paris night bus line N01 stops:

Gare de l'Est, Jacques Bonsergent, Republique, Oberkampf - Filles du Calvaire, Saint-Gilles - Chemin Vert, Bastille - Beaumarchais, Bastille, Lyon - Ledru-Rollin, Gare de Lyon - Diderot, Quai de la Rapee, Gare d'Austerlitz, Saint-Marcel - La Pitie, Saint-Marcel - Jeanne d'Arc, Les Gobelins, Port Royal - Berthollet, Observatoire - Port Royal, Campagne Premiere, Vavin, Montparnasse - Rue de l'Arrivee, Gare Montparnasse, Montparnasse, Rennes - Littre, Rennes - Saint-Placide, Rennes - d'Assas, Michel Debre, St-Germain-des-Pres, Pont du Carrousel - Quai Voltaire, Henry de Montherlant, Assemblee Nationale, Pont Alexandre III, Palais de la Decouverte, Rond-Point des Champs-Elysees - Matignon, Haussmann - Miromesnil, Saint-Augustin, Gare Saint-Lazare, Trinite, Liege, Place de Clichy, Blanche, Pigalle, Rochechouart - Martyrs, Anvers - Sacre-Coeur, Rochechouart - Clignancourt, Barbes - Rochechouart, Magenta - Mauberge - Gare du Nord, La Fayette - Magenta - Gare du Nord, Gare de l'Est.

Paris night bus line N01 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
Train Lines: B, C, D.
Bus Lines: N02, N11, N12, N13, N14, N15, N16, N31, N32, N33, N34, N35, N41, N42, N43, N44, N45, N51, N52, N53, N61, N62, N63, N66, N130, N131, N132, N133, N134, N140, N141, N142, N143, N144, N145, N150, N151, N152, N153, N154.

Paris night bus N01 route maps available:

Noctilien Night Bus Line N01 map - PDF (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N01 map - PDF (high quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N01 map - Image (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N01 map - Image (high quality)

Paris night bus N01 timetables:

Noctilien Night Bus N01 timetables - PDF
Noctilien Night Bus N01 timetables - Image

Paris Noctilien night bus N02 map with stops and transport connections

Paris Noctilien night bus line N02 map with stops and connections
Again, the same scenario as Noctilien N01, the Noctilien night bus line N02 also has a route in a complete circuit known as the Circulaire Exterieure, which has a stop at Gare Montparnasse plus other transport hubs mentioned above including Gare Saint-Lazare where the bus stop is located on Rue de Rome.

Paris night bus line N02 stops:

Gare Montparnasse, Montparnasse, Vavin, Campagne Premiere, Observatoire - Port Royal, Port Royal - Berthollet, Les Gobelins, Saint-Marcel - Jeanne d'Arc, Saint-Marcel - La Pitie, Gare d'Austerlitz, Quai de la Rapee, Gare de Lyon - Diderot, Lyon - Ledru-Rollin, Bastille, Bastille - Beaumarchais, Saint-Gilles - Chemin Vert, Oberkampf - Filles du Calvaire, Republique, Jacques Bonsergent, Gare de l'Est, La Fayette - Magenta - Gare du Nord, Magenta - Maubeuge - Gare du Nord, Barbes - Rochechouart, Rochechouart - Clignancourt, Anvers - Sacre-Coeur, Rochechouart - Martyrs, Pigalle, Blanche, Place de Clichy - Caulaincourt, Place de Clichy, Bucarest, Europe, Gare Saint-Lazare - Rome, Saint-Augustin, La Boetie - Percier, Rond-Point des Champs-Elysees - Franklin D. Roosevelt, Palais de la Decouverte, Pont Alexandre III, Assemblee Nationale, Solferino - Bellechasse, Saint-Guillaume, Saint-Germain-des-Pres, Michel Debre, Rennes - d'Assas, Rennes - Saint-Placide, Rennes - Little, Montparnasse - Rue de l'Arrivee, Gare Montparnasse.

Paris night bus line N02 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
Train Lines: B, C.
Bus Lines: N01, N11, N12, N13, N14, N15, N16, N31, N32, N33, N34, N35, N41, N42, N43, N44, N45, N51, N52, N53, N61, N62, N63, N66, N130, N131, N132, N133, N134, N140, N141, N142, N143, N144, N145, N150, N151, N152, N153, N154.

Paris night bus N02 route maps available:

Noctilien Night Bus Line N02 map - PDF (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N02 map - PDF (high quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N02 map - Image (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N02 map - Image (high quality)

Paris night bus N02 timetables:

Noctilien Night Bus N02 timetables - PDF
Noctilien Night Bus N02 timetables - Image

Paris Noctilien night bus N15 map with stops and transport connections

Paris Noctilien night bus line N15 map with stops and connections
This shows the maps and timetables for the RATP Noctilien night bus line N15, that goes to places such as Chatelet along with Gare Saint-Lazare where it stops on the Rue Saint-Lazare for travel in the direction of Villejuif - Louis Aragon and a bus stop on the Rue de Rome for the direction of Asnieres - Gennevilliers - Gabriel Peri - Metro, so therefore some stops are direction dependant.

Paris night bus line N15 stops:

Gabriel Peri - Metro, Place Voltaire, Leon Blum, Landy - Martre*, Mairie de Clichy, Jaures - Barbusse**, Barbusse - Martre*, Victor Hugo - Jean Jaures**, Victor Hugo - 8 Mai 1945*, Porte de Clichy, Boulay, Brochant - Cardinet, Rue des Moines*, Legendre, La Fourche, Ganneron, Place de Clichy, Bucarest, Europe, Gare Saint-Lazare - Rome**, Gare Saint-Lazare, Rome - Haussmann*, Auber, Opera, Opera - 4 Septembre**, Choiseul*, Richelieu - 4 Septembre**, Richelieu - Drouot*, Bourse**, Grands Boulevards*, Reaumur - Montmartre, Louvre - Etienne Marcel, Bourse de Commerce, Louvre - Rivoli, Pont Neuf - Quai du Louvre**, Rivoli - Pont Neuf*, Chatelet - Quai des Gesvres**, Chatelet*, Cite - Parvis Notre-Dame**, Cite - Palais de Justice*, Petit Pont**, Notre-Dame - Quai de Montebello*, Dante**, Lagrange*, Maubert - Mutualite, Cardinal Lemoine, Monge, Censier - Daubenton, Monge - Claude Bernard, Les Gobelins, Banquier, Place d'Italie - Mairie du 13eme, Place d'Italie - Italie 2, Vandrezanne, Italie - Tolbiac, Maison Blanche, Porte d'Italie, Porte d'Italie - Helene Boucher, Roger Salengro - Fontainebleau, Convention - Fontainebleau, Le Kremlin-Bicetre Metro, Dauphin - Anatole France, Henri Barbusse, Dispensaire Danielle Casanova, Jean Jaures**, Paul Vaillant-Couturier - Hopital Paul Brousse*, Guynemer - Place des Fusilles**, Guynemer - Maxime Gorki, Guynemer - Place des Fusilles*, Villejuif - Louis Aragon.

* Stop served in the direction of Gabriel Peri - Metro.
** Stop served in the direction of Villejuif - Louis Aragon.

Paris night bus line N15 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, B, C, D.
Tram Lines: T3a, T3b, T7.
Bus Lines: N01, N02, N11, N12, N13, N14, N16, N21, N22, N23, N24, N51, N52, N53, N122, N150, N151, N152, N153, N154.

Paris night bus N15 route maps available:

Noctilien Night Bus Line N15 map - PDF (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N15 map - PDF (high quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N15 map - Image (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N15 map - Image (high quality)

Paris night bus N15 timetables:

Noctilien Night Bus N15 timetables - PDF
Noctilien Night Bus N15 timetables - Image

Paris Noctilien night bus N16 map with stops and transport connections

Paris Noctilien night bus line N16 map with stops and connections
Going from Pont de Lavallois in tariff Zone 2 through to Mairie de Montreuil - Rouget de Lisle in tariff Zone 3, the Noctilien line N16 has numerous night bus stops in between including some within central Paris like at the Gare Saint Lazare with stops on the same roads as above, but as you will also notice from the route maps and timetables, there are bus stops specific to a certain direction of travel.

Paris night bus line N16 stops:

Pont de Levallois, Picasso*, Vaillant - Couturier*, Anatole France**, Mairie de Levallois*, Porte de Courcelles*, Porte de Champerret, Pereire - Le Chatelier*, Pereire - Villiers**, Europe, Gare Saint-Lazare - Rome**, Gare Saint-Lazare, Rome - Haussmann*, Havre - Haussmann**, Auber, Opera, Opera - 4 Septembre**, Choiseul*, Richelieu - 4 Septembre**, Richelieu - Drouot*, Bourse**, Grands Boulevards*, Reaumur - Montmartre, Louvre - Etienne Marcel, Bourse de Commerce, Louvre - Rivoli, Rivoli - Pont Neuf*, Pont Neuf - Quai du Louvre**, Chatelet - Quai de Gesvres**, Chatelet*, Hotel de Ville, Rue Vieille du Temple - Mairie du 4e*, Rue de Jouy**, Saint-Paul, Birague, Bastille - Rue Saint-Antoine, Bastille, Lyon - Ledru-Rollin, Gare de Lyon - Diderot, Daumesnil - Ledru-Rollin, Ledru-Rollin - Faubourg St-Antoine, Charonne - Keller, Basfroi, Voltaire - Leon Blum, Saint-Maur - Servan, Roquette - Pere Lachaise, Folie Regnault - Chemin Vert*, Auguste Metivier*, Pere Lachaise**, Muriers*, Martin Nadaud*, Gambetta*, Hopital Tenon*, Pelleport, Porte de Bagnolet, Echangeur de Bagnolet**, General de Gaulle, Republique - Robespierre, Fraternite, Sorins, Marche, Croix de Chavaux - Rouget de Lisle, Victor Hugo, Mairie de Montreuil - Rouget de Lisle.

* Served in direction of Pont de Levallois.
** Served in direction of Mairie de Montreuil - Rouget de Lisle.

Paris night bus line N16 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 2, 3, 3bis, 5, 8, 9, 11.
Train Lines: A, B, C, D.
Tram Line: T3b.
Bus Lines: N01, N02, N11, N12, N13, N14, N15, N21, N22, N23, N24, N31, N32, N33, N34, N35, N51, N52, N53, N122, N130, N131, N132, N133, N134, N144, N150, N151, N152, N153, N154.

Paris night bus N16 route maps available:

Noctilien Night Bus Line N16 map - PDF (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N16 map - PDF (high quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N16 map - Image (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N16 map - Image (high quality)

Paris night bus N16 timetables:

Noctilien Night Bus N16 timetables - PDF
Noctilien Night Bus N16 timetables - Image

Paris Noctilien night bus N51 map with stops and transport connections

Paris Noctilien night bus line N51 map with stops and connections
There is only one bus stop on the Rue de Rome at Gare Saint-Lazare for the RATP Noctilien N51 night bus, as this route goes from Gare Saint-Lazare to Gare d'Enghien travelling through many different communes as you will see from the Noctilien maps and timetables, and it has night bus stops in areas including Asnieres-sur-Seine, Gennevilliers and Saint-Denis.

Paris night bus line N51 stops:

Gare d'Enghien, Mairie d'Enghien**, Casino, Limite des Departements, Rue de Saint-Gratien, Cygne d'Enghien, Dunkerque, Rue de Marseille, Epinay - Orgemont, Epinay-sur-Seine-Gare, Gilbert Bonnemaison, Lacepede, Rose Bertin, Les Beatus, Lycee, Avenue de la Marne - C.L. Bouchet, Rue des Presles, Gare d'Epinay-Villetaneuse, Sablons, Yser, 76 Route de Saint-Leu*, J.B. Clement - Carnot**, Cesar, Blumenthal, La Briche, Rue du Port, L'Ile-Saint-Denis, Mairie de Villeneuve-la-Garenne, La Noue, Chemin des Reniers, Parc des Chanteraines, Gennevilliers RER, Rond-Point Pierre Timbaud*, Timbaud - Felicie**, Le Village, Le Luth, Les Courtilles, Patinoire, Abbe Glatz, Les Agnettes - Metro, Gillet, Gabriel Peri - Metro, Place Voltaire, Leon Blum, Landy - Martre**, Mairie de Clichy - Metro, Jaures - Barbusse*, Barbusse - Martre**, Victor Hugo - 8 Mai 1945**, Victor Hugo - Jean Jaures*, Porte de Clichy, Boulay, Brochant - Cardinet, Rue des Moines**, Legendre, La Fourche, Ganneron, Place de Clichy, Bucarest, Europe, Gare St-Lazare - Rome*, Gare Saint-Lazare.

* Bus stop served in direction of Gare Saint-Lazare.
** Bus stop served in direction of Gare d'Enghien.

Paris night bus line N51 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 3, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: C, E, J, L.
Tram Line: T3b.
Bus Lines: N01, N02, N15, N16, N52, N53, N150, N151, N152, N153, N154.

Paris night bus N51 route maps available:

Noctilien Night Bus Line N51 map - PDF (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N51 map - PDF (high quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N51 map - Image (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N51 map - Image (high quality)

Paris night bus N51 timetables:

Noctilien Night Bus N51 timetables - PDF
Noctilien Night Bus N51 timetables - Image

Paris Noctilien night bus N52 map with stops and transport connections

Paris Noctilien night bus line N52 map with stops and connections
The Noctilien bus route N52 is also a night bus run by RATP on a similar scenario as above, going from Gare Saint-Lazare at Rue de Rome travelling through communes such as Levallois-Perret, Colombes and Argenteuil with many night bus stops on route to the outskirts of Paris before reaching the Gare de Cormeilles-en-Parisis in the Paris region, Ile de France.

Paris night bus line N52 stops:

Gare de Cormeilles-en-Parisis, Edouard Imbs, Fauvettes, Les Ecrivains, Place de Arts, Rond-Point du Cormier, Les Bruyeres, Les Coudrees, Fosse aux Loups, Jean Poulmarch, College Claude Monet, Beethoven, Berionne, Jean Lurcat, Gare du Val d’Argenteuil, Place Francois Rabelais, Bretagne, Charcot Hopital, Ernestine, Rechsteiner, Belin, Hotel de Ville d’Argenteuil, Leon Feix, Gare d’Argenteuil RER, Labriere, Borderel - Heloise, Petit Gennevilliers, Pont du Chemin de Fer, Solferino, Les Champarons, Quatre Routes, Gramme, Jaures, Bourguignons, Abbe Glatz, Cayron - Chefson, La Paix, Gare de Bois-Colombes, Chanzy, Balzac, Chevreul, Place de Belgique, Place Mermoz, Pont de Levallois, Picasso, Vaillant-Couturier, Anatole France, Mairie de Levallois, Porte de Courcelles, Porte de Champerret, Pereire - Le Chatelier, Pereire - Villiers, Villiers, Europe, Gare St-Lazare - Rome, Gare Saint-Lazare.

Paris night bus line N52 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 2, 3, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: C, E, J, L.
Bus Lines: N01, N02, N15, N16, N51, N53, N150, N151, N152, N153, N154.

Paris night bus N52 route maps available:

Noctilien Night Bus Line N52 map - PDF (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N52 map - PDF (high quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N52 map - Image (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N52 map - Image (high quality)

Paris night bus N52 timetables:

Noctilien Night Bus N52 timetables - PDF
Noctilien Night Bus N52 timetables - Image

Paris Noctilien night bus N53 map with stops and transport connections

Paris Noctilien night bus line N53 map with stops and connections
Whereas this is the map for Noctilien bus route N53 night bus with its timetables travelling from Nanterre - Anatole France to Gare Saint-Lazare, where the Paris night bus stop is located on the Rue Saint-Lazare, and it has numerous additional stops including Longchamp for how to get to Hippodrome de Longchamp horserace course, Les Moulins - Camping plus Charles de Gaulle - Etoile - Friedland, which has transport connections to other Noctilien lines, etc.

Paris night bus line N53 stops:

Nanterre - Anatole France, Nanterre - Universite RER, Soufflot, Prefecture des Hauts-de-Seine, Nanterre - Prefecture RER, Esplanade Charles de Gaulle, Prefecture des Hauts-de-Seine, Joliot-Curie - Courbevoie, Palais des Sports, Mairie de Nanterre, Sadi Carnot - Joliot-Curie, Place de la Boule - Joliot-Curie, Place de la Boule - Joffre, Sainte-Genevieve, Boulevard National, Gabriel Peri, Le Gue, Hopital Stell, Place Richelieu, Zurich, Place Besche, Dunant, Lieutenant-Colonel de Montbrison, Place de la Paix, Place Jean Jaures, Croix du Roy, Val d’Or, Garibaldi, Longchamp, De Gaulle, Rue des Bourets - Pont de Suresnes, Les Moulins - Camping, La Muette - Boulainvilliers, Place Possoz, Scheffer, Trocadero, Kleber - Paul Valery, Charles de Gaulle - Etoile - Kleber, Charles de Gaulle - Etoile - Friedland, Balzac, Haussmann - Miromesnil, Saint-Augustin, Saint-Augustin - La Boetie, Pasquier - Anjou, Gare Saint-Lazare.

Paris night bus line N53 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, E, J, L.
Bus lines: N01, N02, N11, N15, N16, N24, N51, N52, N150, N151, N152, N153, N154.

Paris night bus N53 route maps available:

Noctilien Night Bus Line N53 map - PDF (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N53 map - PDF (high quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N53 map - Image (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N53 map - Image (high quality)

Paris night bus N53 timetables:

Noctilien Night Bus N53 timetables - PDF
Noctilien Night Bus N53 timetables - Image

Paris Noctilien night bus N150 map with stops and transport connections

Paris Noctilien night bus line N150 map with stops and connections
This map shows the Paris Noctilien Bus route for the SNCF line N150, which travels from the street called the Cour de Rome at Gare Saint-Lazare to Gare de Cergy Le Haut - Gare Routiere and has a few night bus stops in between travelling from Paris to communes like St-Ouen l'Aumone and Cergy / Pointoise in tariff zone 5.

Paris night bus line N150 stops:

Gare Saint-Lazare - Cour de Rome, Gare de Montigny Beauchamp - Place de la Gare, Gare de Pierrelaye - Rue Pasteur, Gare de Liesse - Gare routiere, Saint-Ouen l'Aumone - Mairie RER SNCF - Avenue du General de Gaulle, Gare de Pontoise - Place du General de Gaulle, Gare de Cergy Prefecture - Gare routiere, Gare de Cergy Saint-Christophe - Gare routiere, Gare de Cergy le Haut - Gare routiere.

Paris night bus line N150 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 3, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, C, E, H, J, L.
Bus Lines: N01, N02, N15, N16, N51, N52, N53, N151, N152, N153, N154.

Paris night bus N150 route maps available:

Noctilien Night Bus Line N150 map - PDF (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N150 map - PDF (high quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N150 map - Image (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N150 map - Image (high quality)

Paris night bus N150 timetables:

Noctilien Night Bus N150 timetables - PDF
Noctilien Night Bus N150 timetables - Image

Paris Noctilien night bus N151 map with stops and transport connections

Paris Noctilien night bus line N151 map with stops and connections
Also with the night bus stop on the Cour de Rome at Gare Saint-Lazare train station, the SNCF Noctilien bus N151 travels to Gare de Mantes la Jolie at Place du 8 Mai 1945, with night bus stops in between such as Porte Maillot - RER which also provides other transport connections such as Noctilien lines N11, N24 and N153.

Paris night bus line N151 stops:

Gare St-Lazare - Cour de Rome, Charles de Gaulle -  Friedland - Avenue de Friedland, Porte Maillot - RER - Avenue de la Grande Armee, Orgeval Novotel Pont A13*, Gare de Villennes-sur-Seine - Place de la Liberation, Gare de Poissy - Rue Maurice Berteaux, Carrieres-sous-Poissy - Avenue de l'Europe**, Triel-sur-Seine - Rue Eugene Senet - Pont du Triel, Gare de Vernouillet Verneuil - Gare Routiere, Verneuil La Faisanderie - Boulevard Andre Malraux, Gare des Clairieres de Verneuil - Place de la Resistance, Gare des Mureaux - Place du 8 Mai 1945 - Gare Routiere, Les Mureaux Sablons - Avenue de l'Europe, Gare de Mantes Station - Boulevard Calmette - Place de l'Europe, Gare de Mantes-La-Jolie - Place du 8 Mai 1945.

* Night bus served in direction of Gare de Mantes La Jolie.
** Night buses at this stop served in direction of Gare St-Lazare are not suitable for the disabled and wheelchair users.

Paris night bus line N151 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 3, 9, 12, 13, 14.
Train lines: E, J, L.
Bus Lines: N01, N02, N11, N15, N16, N24, N51, N52, N53, N150, N152, N153, N154.

Paris night bus N151 route maps available:

Noctilien Night Bus Line N151 map - PDF (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N151 map - PDF (high quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N151 map - Image (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N151 map - Image (high quality)

Paris night bus N151 timetables:

Noctilien Night Bus N151 timetables - PDF
Noctilien Night Bus N151 timetables - Image

Paris Noctilien night bus N152 map with stops and transport connections

Paris Noctilien night bus line N152 map with stops and connections
However, the Noctilien bus line N152 also travels between the train stations of Paris Saint-Lazare to Cergy le Haut Gare in Cergy, going through many communes, or areas, on its night bus route including Courbevoie, Bezons, Sartrouville, Maisons Laffitte and Neuville-sur-Oise, which as you can see from the maps and timetables these also show the location of the night bus stops on route.

Paris night bus line N152 stops:

Gare Saint-Lazare - Cour de Rome, Pereire Levallois Gare - Place du Marechal Juin, Courbevoie Europe - Boulevard de Verdun, Gare de la Garenne-Colombes - Boulevard Charles de Gaulle, Grand Cerf - Place du Grand Cerf, Les Blanches, Stalinggrad, Maisons-Lafitte Gare - Avenue du General de Gaulle (Gare Routiere), Acheres Grand Cormier Gare - N184*, Achere Ville Gare - Avenue de Conflans (Gare routiere), Conflans Fin d'Oise - Rue du Marechal Maunoury, Conflans Saint-Honorine - Avenue Carnot, Eragny Neuville - Place Alexandre Prachay, Neuville Universite Gare - Gare Routiere, Conseil departemental, Prefecture, Gare de Cergy Saint-Christophe, Gare de Cergy le Haut - Gare Routiere.

* Bus stop only served in the direction of Gare de Cergy le Haut - Gare routiere.

Paris night bus line N152 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 3, 9, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, E, J, L.
Bus Lines: N01, N02, N15, N16, N24, N51, N52, N53, N150, N151, N153, N154.

Paris night bus N152 route maps available:

Noctilien Night Bus Line N152 map - PDF (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N152 map - PDF (high quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N152 map - Image (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N152 map - Image (high quality)

Paris night bus N152 timetables:

Noctilien Night Bus N152 timetables - PDF
Noctilien Night Bus N152 timetables - Image

Paris Noctilien night bus N153 map with stops and transport connections

Paris Noctilien night bus line N153 map with stops and connections
With the night bus stop on the Rue Saint-Lazare at Gare de Saint-Lazare train station, the Noctilien line N153 goes through to Saint-Germain-en-Laye RER, with different stops on its bus route like Pont de Neuilly, although as you can see from the maps and timetables, there are two Noctilien stops at Porte Maillot, which depends upon what direction you wish to travel for how to get to the Palais de Congres or from this venue.

Paris night bus line N153 stops:

Saint-Germain-en-Laye RER*, Le Vesinet - Le Pecq RER, Hotel de Ville - Le Vesinet Centre RER, Mairie - Chatou - Croissy RER, Rueil-Malmaison RER, Jules Quentin - Nanterre - Ville RER, Pont de Neuilly*, Porte Maillot - Palais des Congres**, Porte Maillot**, Charles de Gaulle - Etoile - Friedland*, Gare Saint-Lazare*.

* Different start times depending upon your stop and what night of the week.
** Stop only served in a specific direction.

Paris night bus line N153 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, C, E, J, L.
Tram Line: T13
Bus Lines: N01, N02, N11, N15, N16, N24, N51, N52, N53, N150, N151, N152, N154.

Paris night bus N153 route maps available:

Noctilien Night Bus Line N153 map - PDF (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N153 map - PDF (high quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N153 map - Image (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N153 map - Image (high quality)

Paris night bus N153 timetables:

Noctilien Night Bus N153 timetables - PDF
Noctilien Night Bus N153 timetables - Image

Paris Noctilien night bus N154 map with stops and transport connections

Paris Noctilien night bus line N154 map with stops and connections
The Noctilien N154 night bus is also run by the transport company Noctilien Transilien SNCF with the N154 bus line travelling between Paris Saint-Lazare train station at Gare Saint-Lazare Cour de Rome stop to Gare de Montigny Beauchamp, yet as you can see from the maps and timetables, not only does this route go through different communes and zones from Paris there are some night bus stops indicated by an arrow that are only served in a particular direction.

Paris night bus line N154 stops:

Gare Saint Lazare - Cour de Rome, Pont Cardinet, Porte d'Asnieres - Avenue de la Porte d'Asnieres, Victor Hugo Jean Jaures - Rue Victor Hugo, Rue de la Station - Grand Rue Charles de Gaulle, Gresillons Felix Eboue - Avenue des Gresillons, Gare des Gresillons - Avenue des Gresillons, Gilbert Bonnemaison, Le Cygne d'Enghein Joffre - Avenue Joffre, Gare de Saint-Gratien Guynemer**, Berthie Albrecht*, Gare d'Ermont Eaubonne - Place de la Gare - Gare routiere, Gare de Sannois, Maison Bleue, Gare de Franconville, Gare de Montigny Beauchamp - Place de la Gare.

* Night bus stop served in direction of Gare Saint-Lazare.
** Night bus stop served in direction of Gare de Montigny Beauchamp.

Paris night bus line N154 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 3, 9, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, C, E, H, J, L.
Bus Lines: N01, N02, N15, N16, N51, N52, N53, N150, N151, N152, N153.

Paris night bus N154 route maps available:

Noctilien Night Bus Line N154 map - PDF (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N154 map - PDF (high quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N154 map - Image (standard quality)
Noctilien Night Bus Line N154 map - Image (high quality)

Paris night bus N154 timetables:

Noctilien Night Bus N154 timetables - PDF
Noctilien Night Bus N154 timetables - Image

Paris Noctilien night bus N155 map with stops and transport connections

Paris Noctilien night bus line N155 map with stops and connections
Now this Noctilien Bus route for the N155 travels between Gare Saint-Lazare and Gare Nord de Poissy, and has several different night bus stops between including Gare de Cormeilles-en-Parisis, Gare de Conflans Sainte-Honorine etc.

Paris night bus line N155 stops:

Gare Saint-Lazare, Porte d'Asnieres - Marguerite Long, Gare de Cormeilles-en-Parisis, Pontoise / Gare de la Frette - Montigny, Gare d'Herblay, Gare de Conflans Sainte-Honorine, Gare de Conflans Fin d'Oise, Gare de Maurecourt, Gare d'Andresy - Les Coutayes, Gare Nord de Poissy.

Paris night bus line N155 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 3, 9, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: A, E, J, L.
Tram Line: T3b.
Bus Lines: N01, N02, N15, N16, N51, N52, N53, N150, N151, N152, N153, N154.

Paris night bus N155 route maps available:

Noctilien Night Bus Line N155 map - PDF
Noctilien Night Bus Line N155 map - Image

Paris night bus N155 timetables:

Noctilien Night Bus N155 timetables - PDF
Noctilien Night Bus N155 timetables - Image
Gare Saint-Lazare front entrance

Gare Saint-Lazare plans and public services plus bus stops and train station map

Gare Saint-Lazare train station plan of transport access points and public sevices

Gare Saint-Lazare train station plan
So here we have a plan of Gare Saint-Lazare showing the train level, the street level and the Metro level, which shows where services are located such as toilets, where to purchase train tickets, foreign exchange, cash machines, vending machines, escalators and lifts, etc along with parking and a drop-off area, shops, food points including a cafe and much more to make your travel from this Paris train station run smoothly.

Paris Gare Saint-Lazare train station plans available:

Gare Saint-Lazare plan - PDF
Gare Saint-Lazare plan - Image

Gare Saint-Lazare regional and local area plan with transport connections

Gare Saint-Lazare regional and local plan
Whereas this shows a regional plan of Metro, RER, trains and tram lines along with a plan of the area around Gare Saint-Lazare that also shows a walking route to get to an entirely different RER train station for how to get to Disneyland Paris train station called Marne-la-Vallee Chessy. In addition, on the side it also shows transport connections and various options to get to other train stations and the Paris airports of CDG and Orly.

Paris Gare Saint-Lazare regional and local transport plans available:

Gare Saint-Lazare regional transport plan - PDF
Gare Saint-Lazare regional transport plan - Image

Gare Saint-Lazare map of night and daytime bus stops with direction of travel from the train station

Gare Saint-Lazare map of night and daytime bus stops
Although here you can see two plans for the day buses and Paris night buses with where the bus stops are located around Gare Saint-Lazare, but also showing which direction they are travelling in by providing the terminus, plus there are transport connections indicated on route for the regular daytime Paris buses, making this easier to navigate around Paris and discover the many tourist attractions.

Paris Gare Saint-Lazare bus stops maps available:

Gare Saint-Lazare bus stops map - PDF
Gare Saint-Lazare bus stops map - Image