Noctilien bus maps and timetables for Paris night bus N71

Below are the Noctilien bus maps showing bus stops, transport connections and timetables for Paris night bus N71, which are available in PDF and image file formats, as well as in large or small file sizes, making these ideal for download to any mobile device or computer system.

Noctilien Buses  N01-N09  N10-N19  N20-N29  N30-N39  N40-N49  N50-N59  N60-N69  N70-N79  N120-N129  N130-N139  N140-N149  N150-N159 - Daytime Paris Buses

Paris Noctilien night bus N71 map with stops and transport connections

Paris Noctilien night bus line N71 map with stops and connections
Now there is only actually one map for this section and it shows the Paris Noctilien Bus route for the RATP line N71, which travels between Marche International de Rungis and Val de Fontenay RER, which has connections to other Paris night bus lines such as Porte de Thiais where you can get a Noctilien Bus to the Orly Airport South Terminal, Rouget de Lisle taking you into Paris itself and Eglise de Creteil for some examples.

Paris night bus line N71 stops:

Marche International de Rungis, Porte de Thiais, Le Cor de Chasse, La Belle Epine, Alouettes, Carrefour de la Resistance, Victor Basch, Georges Halgout, Rene Panhard, Rouget de Lisle, Choisy-le-Roi RER, Pasteur, Marcellin Berthelot, Parc Interdepartmental des Sports, Pompadour, Base de Loisirs de Creteil, Prefecture du Val-de-Marne, La Haye aux Moines, Creteil - Universite, Eglise de Creteil, Hopital Intercommunal, Pont de Creteil, Saint-Maur-Creteil RER*, Saint-Maur-Creteil RER - Le Parvis**, Croix-Souris*, Liberation - Rabelais**, Marinville, Liberation - Conde, Charles Floquet - Diderot, 42e de Ligne, La Fourchette de Champigny, Les Marronniers, General de Gaulle - Stalingrad, Parc du Tremblay, Viaduc, Nogent-le-Perreux RER, Le Parc, Ledru-Rollin - General de Gaulle, Victor Basch, Rond-Point du General Leclerc, Raymond Poincare*, Lycee Louis Armand, Le Bois Cadet, Place du General de Gaulle, Val de Fontenay RER.

* Stop served in direction of Marche International de Rungis.
** Stop served in direction of Val de Fontenay RER.

Paris night bus line N71 main transport connections:

Metro line: 8.
Train lines: A, C, D, E.
Tram lines: T7, T9.
Bus lines: N22, N31, N32, N33, N34, N62, N130, N133, N142, TVM (14).

Paris night bus N71 route maps available:

Noctilien Night Bus line N71 map - PDF (standard quality - 0.448 MB)
Noctilien Night Bus line N71 map - PDF (high quality - 1.493 MB)
Noctilien Night Bus line N71 map - Image (standard quality - 0.450 MB)
Noctilien Night Bus line N71 map - Image (high quality - 0.976 MB)

Paris night bus N71 timetables:

Noctilien Night Bus N71 timetables - PDF (0.627 MB)
Noctilien Night Bus N71 timetables - Image (1.786 MB)

Other Paris night bus line maps with stops and connections

Noctilien Buses  N01-N09  N10-N19  N20-N29  N30-N39  N40-N49  N50-N59  N60-N69  N70-N79  N120-N129  N130-N139  N140-N149  N150-N159 - Daytime Paris Buses