Paris bus maps and timetables for bus lines 700 through to 709

Listed below you will find bus maps showing bus stops, transport connections, routes and timetables for Paris bus lines 700 through to 709, which are available in PDF and image file formats, as well as in large or small file sizes, making these ideal for any mobile device or home PC.

Paris bus maps - Central Bus Lines  01-09  10-19  20-29  30-39  40-49  50-59  60-69  70-79  80-89  90-99  100-109  110-119  120-129  130-139  140-149  150-159  160-169  170-179  180-189  190-199  200-209  210-219  220-229  230-239  240-249  250-259  260-269  270-279  280-289  290-299  300-309  310-319  320-329  330-339  340-349  350-359  360-369  370-379  380-389  390-399  400-409  420-429  430-439  440-449  450-459  460-469  470-479  480-489  490-499  500-509  510-519  520-529  530-539  540-549  550-559  560-569  570-579  580-589  590-599  610-619  620-629  700-709  Abeilles Buses  Batobus  Big Bus  DM Buses  Express A14  Fileo Buses CDG1  GO C Orly Shuttle Bus  Le Bus Direct  Magical Shuttle  OrlyBus  R4 Bus  RoissyBus  T'Bus CDG1  TICE Buses  Tootbus  TVM Bus  TZen Buses  Versailles Express  Vitavil  -  Noctilien Night Buses

Paris bus 701 map for CDG Airport to Othis to Moussy-le-Neuf with stops, connections and route plan

Paris Bus 701 map Airport CDG 1 to Othis Beaupre
This first map shows the Keolis Bus Line 701 that travels between Moussy-le-Neuf La Barogne and Zone Aeroportuaire, Aeroport CDG 1 Gare, which is the train station for the RER B Line to Paris from Charles de Gaulle Airport.

However, as you will notice from the key with the broken line in red, there are certain bus stops of La Barogne, Saint Laurent and Pierre-Augustin Caron before the main terminus of Beaupre that are only served during certain hours in addition to some bus stops like Place J.-B. Delambre only served in a specific direction.

This regular bus line also works alongside the Fileo buses, and these are also operated by the transport company Keolis, for other hours, days and a night time service for seamless public transport. Additionally, when you look at the Bus 701 timetables, you will see the colour yellow that means Circulates only in school period, the colour pink means Circulates Wednesday only during school period and the colour purple means that those hours Circulates Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays only during school hours.

Paris bus line 701 stops:

Gare de Roissypole Aeroport CDG 1, Rue de la Fossette**, RN, Rue de Guivry, Jeu de Paume, Centre de Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin, Belle Etoile, Lycee Charles de Gaulle*, Croisement, Tresor Public, Mairie de Dammartin**, La Corbie***, Place Jean-Baptiste Delambre***, St Fiacre, Canada, Bergamottes**, Route d'Eve**, Dom Ganneron**, College de l'Europe, Chataigniers***, Garenne***, Route d'Eve***, Chabannes***, Lycee Charlotte Delbo, Centre Medical, La Jalaise, Mairie d'Othis, Froids Vents, Guincourt, Beaupre, Pierre Augustin Caron*, Saint Laurent*, La Barogne*.

* Stops only served at certain times.
** Only served in direction of Beaupre.
*** Only served in direction of Charles de Gaulle Airport CDG 1.

Paris bus line 701 CDG1 main transport connections:

Train lines: B, CDG Val.
Bus lines: 19, 22, 23, 24, 27, 32, 32za, 39, 43, 93, 95-01, 95-02, 100C, 100P, 349, 350, 351, 702, 703, 705, 707, 708, 710, 711, 749 B, 749 C, 755, 756, Express20, Fileo FO, Fileo G, Fileo O, Fileo S, Fileo SP, Fileo VB, Fileo RS, N140, N143, R4, RoissyBus, T'bus 1.

Paris bus 701 CDG Airport route maps available:

Paris Bus 701 CDG1 map - PDF (standard quality - 0.557 MB)
Paris Bus 701 CDG1 map - PDF (high quality - 1.076 MB)
Paris Bus 701 CDG1 map - Image (standard quality - 0.454 MB)
Paris Bus 701 CDG1 map - Image (high quality - 0.938 MB)

Paris bus 701 timetables direction CDG Airport to Othis to Moussy-le-Neuf:

Paris Bus 701 timetables CDG1 to Moussy-le-Neuf - PDF (3.334 MB)
Paris Bus 701 timetables CDG1 to Moussy-le-Neuf - Image (7.710 MB)

Paris bus 701 timetables direction Moussy-le-Neuf to Othis to CDG Airport:
Paris Bus 701 timetables Moussy-le-Neuf to CDG1 - PDF (3.596 MB)
Paris Bus 701 timetables Moussy-le-Neuf to CDG1- Image (8.281 MB)

Paris bus 702 map for CDG Airport to Gare de Louvres with stops, connections and route plan

Paris Bus 702 map Airport CDG 1 to Gare de Louvres
Whereas here you have the bus route 702 that goes from Charles de Gaulle Airport CDG 1 train station that serves the RER B line through to Louvres Gare that serves the RER D line, which travels through different communes or areas of the Paris region including Le Mesnil-Amelot, Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin, Vemars and Villeron and has many bus stops in between such as Rond-Point de l'Etang, Ferme de Vaulerand and Marie Feuchere, etc.

Additionally, when you look at the Bus 702 timetables, you will see highlighted in brown, which is the colour of the bus line, there are approximate times shown for the arrival or departure of the RER D train to or from Paris.

Paris bus line 702 stops:

Gare Roissypole Aeroport CDG 1, Rue de la Fossette, RN*, 20 Arpents*, Centre du Mesnil-Amelot, Eglise du Mesnil-Amelot, Grande Borne, ZI du Mesnil-Amelot, Rue du Gue, Carrefour, Les Ouches, Centre de Moussy-le-Vieux, campus, Les Echabots, Centre de Moussy-le-Neuf, Rond-Point de l'Etang*, Les Clos*, La Fortelle, La Barogne, 22 Arpents, Les Dix Arpents, Centre de Vemars, Pierre Curie, ZI Nord, Mairie de Villeron, Ferme de Vaulerand, Marie Feuchere, Parc de Louvres, Gare de Louvres.

* Stop only served in one direction.

Paris bus line 702 CDG1 main transport connections:

Train lines: B, CDG Val, D.
Bus lines: 19, 22, 23, 24, 27, 32, 32za, 39, 43, 93, 95-01, 95-02, 95-10, 100C, 100P, 349, 350, 351, 702, Express20, Fileo FO, Fileo G, Fileo O, Fileo S, Fileo SP, Fileo VB, Fileo RS, N140, N143, R1, R4, R5, R6, R7, R113, RoissyBus, T'bus 1.

Paris bus 702 CDG Airport route maps available:

Paris Bus 702 CDG1 map - PDF (standard quality - 0.527 MB)
Paris Bus 702 CDG1 map - PDF (high quality - 1.036 MB)
Paris Bus 702 CDG1 map - Image (standard quality - 0.431 MB)
Paris Bus 702 CDG1 map - Image (high quality - 0.896 MB)

Paris bus 702 timetables direction CDG Airport to Louvres:

Paris Bus 702 timetables CDG1 to Louvres - PDF (1.506 MB)
Paris Bus 702 timetables CDG1 to Louvres - Image (3.475 MB)

Paris bus 702 timetables direction Louvres to CDG Airport:

Paris Bus 702 timetables Louvres to CDG1 - PDF (1.356 MB)
Paris Bus 702 timetables Louvres to CDG1- Image (3.140 MB)