Paris bus maps and timetables for bus lines 520 through to 529

Listed below are route maps showing bus stops, transport connections, street plans and timetables for the Paris bus lines 520 through to 529, which are available in PDF and image file formats, as well as in large or small files, making these ideal for download to any mobile device or home PC system.

Paris bus maps - Central Bus Lines  01-09  10-19  20-29  30-39  40-49  50-59  60-69  70-79  80-89  90-99  100-109  110-119  120-129  130-139  140-149  150-159  160-169  170-179  180-189  190-199  200-209  210-219  220-229  230-239  240-249  250-259  260-269  270-279  280-289  290-299  300-309  310-319  320-329  330-339  340-349  350-359  360-369  370-379  380-389  390-399  400-409  420-429  430-439  440-449  450-459  460-469  470-479  480-489  490-499  500-509  510-519  520-529  530-539  540-549  550-559  560-569  570-579  580-589  590-599  610-619  620-629  700-709  Abeilles Buses  Batobus  Big Bus  DM Buses  Express A14  Fileo Buses CDG1  GO C Orly Shuttle Bus  Le Bus Direct  Magical Shuttle  OrlyBus  R4 Bus  RoissyBus  T'Bus CDG1  TICE Buses  Tootbus  TVM Bus  TZen Buses  Versailles Express  Vitavil  -  Noctilien Night Buses

RATP Paris bus line 520 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 520 map with stops and connections
This first map shows the Paris Bus route for the RATP line 520 that travels between Les Boullereaux - Champigny RER and Les Hauts de Bry, which has additional bus stops in between like Mairie de Bry-sur-Marne, Bois des Chenes, Clemenceau, Lamartine etc, however as you will see from the maps and timetables there are some bus stops such as Francois de Troy that are only served in a particular direction.

Paris bus line 520 stops:

Les Boullereaux - Champigny RER, Fourchette de Bry, Estivalliere, Mairie de Bry-sur-Marne, Avenue de Rigny, Rue de la Marne, Bois des Chenes, Leopold Bellan, Bry-sur-Marne RER, Max Dormoy - Carnot*, Clemenceau, Lamartine*, Francois de Troy**, La Fontaine, Moliere, Europe, Les Hauts de Bry.

* Stop served in the direction of Les Boullereaux - Champigny RER.
** Stop served in the direction of Les Hauts de Bry.

Paris bus line 520 main transport connections:

Train Lines: A, E.
Bus Lines: 106, 110, 120, 210, 220.

Paris bus 520 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 520 map - PDF (standard quality - 0.410 MB)
RATP Bus Line 520 map - PDF (high quality - 1.319 MB)
RATP Bus Line 520 map - Image (standard quality - 0.411 MB)
RATP Bus Line 520 map - Image (high quality - 0.887 MB)

Paris bus 520 timetables:

RATP Bus 520 timetables - PDF (0.418 MB)
RATP Bus 520 timetables - Image (1.190 MB)

RATP Paris La Navette bus line 524 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 524 map with stops and connections
Yet this map shows the Paris Bus route for the RATP line 524, which is also called the La Navette, Le Bus Fontenaysien and this route goes from Fontenay-sous-Bois - Les Parapluies to Fontenay-sous-Bois - Les Alouettes with over 35 additional bus stops on route like Eglise Saint-Germain, Maison du Citoyen, Mediatheque Aragon and Jean Moulin - Cimetiere de Vincennes, Val de Fontenay RER, plus many, many more.

Paris La Navette bus line 524 stops:

Fontenay-sous-Bois - Les Parapluies, Georges Le Tiec*, Hector Malot, Les Rigollots, Jean-Jacques Rousseau*, Roublot**, Gambetta - Andre Laurent**, Edouard Maury**, Eugene Hericourt**, Mallier - Gaucher*, Gambetta**, Fontenay-sous-Bois RER*, Charles Bassee**, Maurice Couderchet*, Eglise Saint-Germain**, Moliere*, Le Parc**, Maison du Citoyen*, Cimetiere*, Hotel de Ville, Mediatheque Aragon**, Saint-Germain*, Place Michelet***, Verdun, Emile Zola, Victor Hugo, Jean Moulin - Cimetiere de Vincennes**, Aimee Matterraz, Jean Mace - Martin Luther King, Charles Garcia - College J. Mace, Jean Zay, Pablo Picasso, Val de Fontenay RER, Val de Fontenay RER - L. Bobet, De Lattre de Tassigny*, Bois Galon*, Louis Auroux**, La Prairie**, Fontenay-sous-Bois - Les Alouettes.

* Stop served in direction of Fontenay-sous-Bois - Les Parapluies.
** Stop served in direction of Fontenay-sous-Bois - Les Alouettes.
*** Not served on a Tuesday until after 3pm and only served on a Saturday from midday.

Paris La Navette bus line 524 main transport connections:

Train Lines: A, E.
Bus Lines: 116, 118, 122, 124, 127, 210, 301, 702.

Paris La Navette bus 524 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 524 map - PDF (standard quality - 0.577 MB)
RATP Bus Line 524 map - PDF (high quality - 1.127 MB)
RATP Bus Line 524 map - Image (standard quality - 0.576 MB)
RATP Bus Line 524 map - Image (high quality - 1.261 MB)

Paris La Navette bus 524 timetables:

RATP Bus 524 timetables - PDF (0.555 MB)
RATP Bus 524 timetables - Image (1.450 MB)
Paris Foxity tourist bus Grand Palais

Paris MontBus bus line 526 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris MontBus bus 526 map with stops
Meanwhile this shows the Paris Bus route for line 526, which is also referred to as the MontBus, and run by the transport company Autocars Dominique, this goes in a complete circuit from Chatillon - Montrouge with stops in between like Jean Jaures, Saint-Jacques, Stade Maurice Arnoux and Cimetiere de Bagneux, along with several others. Although it is worth noting the stop for Cimetiere de Montrouge only runs during specific hours and the service does not operate on a Sunday during the summer holidays.

Paris MontBus bus line 526 stops:

Chatillon Montrouge - Metro, Jean Monnet, Jules Guesde, Jean Jaures, Verdier - Republique, Mairie de Montrouge - Metro, Saint Jacques, Amaury Duval, Barbes, Vanne, Maurice Genevoix, Jules Ferry, Buffalo, Verdier, Verdier - Republique, Mairie de Montrouge - Metro, Cimetiere de Montrouge*, Peri Arnoux, Jean Jaures, Stade Maurice Arnoux, Moliere, Georges Messier, Cimetiere de Bagneux, Chatillon - Montrouge - Metro.

* Only served at specific times.

Paris MontBus bus line 526 main transport connections:

Metro lines: 4, 13.
Tram line: T6
Bus lines: 68, 125, 126, 128, 194, 195, 294, 323, 388, 475.

Paris MontBus bus 526 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 526 map - PDF (standard quality - 0.438 MB)
RATP Bus Line 526 map - PDF (high quality - 0.589 MB)
RATP Bus Line 526 map - Image (standard quality - 0.438 MB)
RATP Bus Line 526 map - Image (high quality - 0.954 MB)

Paris MontBus bus 526 timetables:

RATP Bus 526 timetables - PDF (0.763 MB)
RATP Bus 526 timetables - Image (2.109 MB)

RATP Paris bus line 528 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris Bus Line 528 Map With Stops And Connections

Bus line 528 is no longer running and is replaced by Metro Line 14

Now the last map for this section is the RATP bus line 528 and this Paris bus route travels from Gare Saint-Lazare - Rome to Porte de Clichy, which is more like an express bus being that there are only three stops along the way called Pont Cardinet, Rostropovitch - Pont Teresa and Berthier - Rostropovitch.

Paris bus line 528 stops:

Gare Saint-Lazare - Rome, Pont Cardinet, Rostropovitch - Pont Teresa and Berthier - Rostropovitch Porte de Clichy.

Paris bus line 528 main transport connections:

Metro Lines: 3, 12, 13, 14.
Train Lines: C, E, J, L.
Tram Line: T3b.

Paris bus 528 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 528 map - PDF (standard quality - 0.370 MB)
RATP Bus Line 528 map - PDF (high quality - 0.887 MB)
RATP Bus Line 528 map - Image (standard quality - 0.416 MB)
RATP Bus Line 528 map - Image (high quality - 0.696 MB)

Paris bus 528 timetables:

RATP Bus 528 timetables - PDF (1.311 MB)
RATP Bus 528 timetables - Image (1.180 MB)