Paris bus line 202 map Stade de la Faisanderie to Mairie Ville-Saint-Jacques and Villemarechal Mairie with stops, connections and street plan
Now the bus line 202 run by Transdev operates like a school bus route between the areas of Fontainebleau at Francois 1er bus station and Villemer only during specific hours of the academic year, passing through other communes including Veneux-les-Sablons, Ecuelles, Villecerf and Dormellesetc. Although please note that some bus stops are only served at certain times, also with various different terminus points for the bus routes as you will see from the key on the timetables and bus map.
Paris Fontainebleau bus line 202 stops:
Fontainebleau - Francois 1er*, La Fourche, Stade de la Faisanderie*, Lycee Uruguay*, Route de Bourgogne, Leon Richet, Montezin, Place du 11 Novembre*, 08 Mai 1945, Route de Fontainebleau, Place Samois, Champ de Mars*, Division Leclerc*, College Sisley*, La Madeleine, Petit Jardin, Ravanne, Charmois*, Carrefour Cateline, Villette, La Sapiniere, Eglise Montarlot, La Fondoire, Pilliers, Centre Villecerf, La Roche du Sault, Mairie Ville-Saint-Jacques*, Challeau, Eglise Dormelles, Bois de Dormelles, Bois Huard, Boisroux, Le Silo, Mairie Villemarechal*, Villeron, Le Luat, Le Coudray, Rebours*, Ecole Villemer*, Montmery*.
* Different terminus points depending upon route and time.
Paris Fontainebleau bus line 202 main transport connections:
Bus Lines: 9, 16, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210, 211.
Paris Fontainebleau bus 202 route maps available:
Fontainebleau bus line 202 map - PDF (1.319 MB)
Fontainebleau bus line 202 map - Image (1.356 MB)
Paris Fontainebleau bus 202 timetables:
Fontainebleau bus 202 timetables - PDF (2.390 MB)
Fontainebleau bus 202 timetables - Image (2.542 MB)