Paris bus maps and timetables for bus lines 200 through to 209

Listed below are route maps showing bus stops, transport connections, street plans and timetables for the Paris bus lines 200 through to 209, which are available in PDF or image files, as well as in large or small sizes, making these ideal for download to any mobile device or home computer.

Paris bus maps - Central Bus Lines  01-09  10-19  20-29  30-39  40-49  50-59  60-69  70-79  80-89  90-99  100-109  110-119  120-129  130-139  140-149  150-159  160-169  170-179  180-189  190-199  200-209  210-219  220-229  230-239  240-249  250-259  260-269  270-279  280-289  290-299  300-309  310-319  320-329  330-339  340-349  350-359  360-369  370-379  380-389  390-399  400-409  420-429  430-439  440-449  450-459  460-469  470-479  480-489  490-499  500-509  510-519  520-529  530-539  540-549  550-559  560-569  570-579  580-589  590-599  610-619  620-629  700-709  Abeilles Buses  Batobus  Big Bus  DM Buses  Express A14  Fileo Buses CDG1  GO C Orly Shuttle Bus  Le Bus Direct  Magical Shuttle  OrlyBus  R4 Bus  RoissyBus  T'Bus CDG1  TICE Buses  Tootbus  TVM Bus  TZen Buses  Versailles Express  Vitavil  -  Noctilien Night Buses

RATP Paris bus line 201 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 201 map with stops and connections
This first map above shows the Paris Bus route for the RATP line 201 that travels between Porte Doree and Champigny - Diderot - La Plage with its additional 20 bus stops on route like Demi Lune - Parc Zoologique, Carrefour de la Resistance, Verdun at Place de Verdun, Charles Floquet - Diderot, Bel Air by the Lycee Louis Michel and a few others.

Paris bus line 201 stops:

Porte Doree, Parc Zoologique, Alphand*, Demi Lune - Parc Zoologique, Tourelle - Daumesnil, Pyramide - Parc Floral, Stade Leo Lagrange, Plaine de la Faluere, Mortemart, Ecole du Breuil, Joinville-le-Pont RER, Carrefour de la Resistance, Verdun, Dagoty, Verdun - Charles Floquet**, Charles Floquet - Diderot, Jacques Decour**, Les Pavillons Fleuris*, Bel Air**, Diane, Verdun - La Plage**, Champigny - Diderot - La Plage.

* Stop served in direction of Porte Doree.
** Stop served in direction of Champigny - Diderot - La Plage.

Paris bus line 201 main transport connections:

Metro Line: 8.
Train Line: A.
Tram Line: T3a.
Bus Lines: 46, 77, 86, 101, 106, 108, 110, 112, 201, 281, 317, 325.

Paris bus 201 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 201 map - PDF (standard quality - 0.433 MB)
RATP Bus Line 201 map - PDF (high quality - 1.153 MB)
RATP Bus Line 201 map - Image (standard quality - 0.416 MB)
RATP Bus Line 201 map - Image (high quality - 0.725 MB)

Paris bus 201 timetables:

RATP Bus 201 timetables - PDF (1.218 MB)
RATP Bus 201 timetables - Image (2.812 MB)

Paris bus line 202 map Stade de la Faisanderie to Mairie Ville-Saint-Jacques and Villemarechal Mairie with stops, connections and street plan

Paris Bus 202 Fontainebleau route map
Now the bus line 202 run by Transdev operates like a school bus route between the areas of Fontainebleau at Francois 1er bus station and Villemer only during specific hours of the academic year, passing through other communes including Veneux-les-Sablons, Ecuelles, Villecerf and Dormellesetc. Although please note that some bus stops are only served at certain times, also with various different terminus points for the bus routes as you will see from the key on the timetables and bus map.

Paris Fontainebleau bus line 202 stops:

Fontainebleau - Francois 1er*, La Fourche, Stade de la Faisanderie*, Lycee Uruguay*, Route de Bourgogne, Leon Richet, Montezin, Place du 11 Novembre*, 08 Mai 1945, Route de Fontainebleau, Place Samois, Champ de Mars*, Division Leclerc*, College Sisley*, La Madeleine, Petit Jardin, Ravanne, Charmois*, Carrefour Cateline, Villette, La Sapiniere, Eglise Montarlot, La Fondoire, Pilliers, Centre Villecerf, La Roche du Sault, Mairie Ville-Saint-Jacques*, Challeau, Eglise Dormelles, Bois de Dormelles, Bois Huard, Boisroux, Le Silo, Mairie Villemarechal*, Villeron, Le Luat, Le Coudray, Rebours*, Ecole Villemer*, Montmery*.

* Different terminus points depending upon route and time.

Paris Fontainebleau bus line 202 main transport connections:

Bus Lines: 9, 16, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210, 211.

Paris Fontainebleau bus 202 route maps available:

Fontainebleau bus line 202 map - PDF (1.319 MB)
Fontainebleau bus line 202 map - Image (1.356 MB)

Paris Fontainebleau bus 202 timetables:

Fontainebleau bus 202 timetables - PDF (2.390 MB)
Fontainebleau bus 202 timetables - Image (2.542 MB)

RATP Paris bus line 203 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 203 map with stops and connections
Now the map above shows the Paris Bus route for the RATP line 203 that travels between Neuilly-Plaisance RER and Neuilly-sur-Marne - Bougainville and this route has additional bus stops such as Villebois - Mareuil, Place de la Resistance, Ile-de-France etc.

Paris bus line 203 stops:

Neuilly-Plaisance RER, Centre Bus, Helene Boucher, Villebois - Mareuil, Foch - De Gaulle, Place de la Resistance, Epi d'Or, Cimetiere, Leon Blum, Ile-de-France, Neuilly-sur-Marne - Bougainville, Rue des Pommiers, Cite des Bouleaux.

Paris bus line 203 main transport connections:

Train Line: A.
Bus Lines: 113, 114, 127, 303.

Paris bus 203 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 203 map - PDF (standard quality - 0.541 MB)
RATP Bus Line 203 map - PDF (high quality - 1.457 MB)
RATP Bus Line 203 map - Image (standard quality - 0.491 MB)
RATP Bus Line 203 map - Image (high quality - 0.873 MB)

Paris bus 203 timetables:

RATP Bus 203 timetables - PDF (0.484 MB)
RATP Bus 203 timetables - Image (1.235 MB)
Paris OpenTour bus Pont Alexandre III

RATP Paris bus line 206 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 206 map with stops and connections
So this map shows the Paris Bus route for the RATP line 206 that travels between Noisy-le-Grand - Mont d'Est RER and Le Plessis-Trevise Place de Verdun with additional bus stops like Square des Allobroges, Eglise de Villiers-sur-Marne, Villiers-sur-Marne - Le Plessis-Trevise RER, and many more. However, we would like to point out that due the bus line 206 running in conjunction with bus line 207 there are certain sections that have partial services between the different main stops.

Paris bus line 206 stops:

Noisy-le-Grand - Mont d'Est RER, Cimetiere de Noisy-le-Grand, Moulin a Vent, Square des Allobroges, Friedberg, Eglise de Villiers-sur-Marne*, Mairie de Villiers-sur-Marne, Villiers-sur-Marne - Le Plessis-Trevise RER, Georges Demesy, Les Mousquetaires, La Dame Blanche, Georges Courteline, Maurice Berteaux - Tramway*, Michel Bony**, Georges Foureau*, Maurice Berteaux - General Leclerc, Mairie du Plessis-Trevise, Jean Kiffer, Avenue Bertrand, Le Plessis-Trevise - Place de Verdun.

* Stop served in direction of Noisy-le-Grand - Mont d'Est RER.
** Stop served in direction of Le Plessis-Trevise Place de Verdun.

Paris bus line 206 main transport connections:

Train Lines: A, E.
Bus Lines: 106, 110, 120, 207, 208b, 209, 210, 303, 306, 308, 310, 320.

Paris bus 206 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 206 map - PDF (standard quality - 0.369 MB)
RATP Bus Line 206 map - PDF (high quality - 0.919 MB)
RATP Bus Line 206 map - Image (standard quality - 0.355 MB)
RATP Bus Line 206 map - Image (high quality - 0.624 MB)

Paris bus 206 timetables:

RATP Bus 206 timetables - PDF (0.473 MB)
RATP Bus 206 timetables - Image (1.218 MB)

RATP Paris bus line 207 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 207 map with stops and connections
Here you can see the map showing the Paris Bus route for the RATP line 207, which travels between Noisy-le-Grand - Mont d'Est RER and the Hopital de La Queue-en-Brie and this has additional bus stops such as Cimetiere de Noisy-le-Grand, College Les Prunais, Avenue de Gaumont, Villiers-sur-Marne - Le Plessis-Trevise RER, Maurice Berteaux - Tramway, Saint-Jean - Les Bordes and several others.

Paris bus line 207 stops:

Noisy-le-Grand - Mont d'Est RER, Cimetiere de Noisy-le-Grand, Moulin a Vent, Square des Allobroges, College Les Prunals, Les Stades, Avenue de Gaumont, Courts Sillons, Republique**, Eglise de Villiers-sur-Marne*, Villiers-sur-Marne - Le Plessis-Trevise RER, Georges Demesy, Les Mousquetaires, La Dame Blanche, Georges Courteline, Maurice Berteaux - Tramway*, Michel Bony**, Georges Foureau*, Maurice Berteaux - General Leclerc, Mairie du Plessis-Trevise, Ardouin - Saint-Pierre, College A. Camus - ZA Ponroy, Plessis - Saint-Antoine, Pierre de Coubertin, Pierre de Coubertin, Saint-Jean - Les Bordes, Hotel de Ville de La Queue-en-Brie, Paul Valery, Hopital de La Queue-en-Brie.

* Stop served in direction of Noisy-le-Grand - Mont d'Est RER.
** Stop served in direction of Hopital de La Queue-en-Brie.

Paris bus line 207 main transport connections:

Train Lines: A, E.
Bus Lines: 2, 7, 106, 110, 120, 206, 209, 210, 303, 306, 308, 310, 320.

Paris bus 207 route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 207 map - PDF (standard quality - 0.438 MB)
RATP Bus Line 207 map - PDF (high quality - 1.155 MB)
RATP Bus Line 207 map - Image (standard quality - 0.426 MB)
RATP Bus Line 207 map - Image (high quality - 0.754 MB)

Paris bus 207 timetables:

RATP Bus 207 timetables - PDF (0.483 MB)
RATP Bus 207 timetables - Image (1.290 MB)

Paris bus line 208 map Gare de Montereau to Cour des Adieux and Stade de la Faisanderie with stops, connections and street plan

Paris Bus 208 Fontainebleau route map
Here you can see the Transdev bus line 208 travelling from Montereau-Fault-Yonne to Fontainebleau that operates on a Monday to Saturday all year round, but please take note of the bus maps and timetables, as there are bus stops served only at specific times plus certain times highlighted in the colour dark blue are unique to the French academic year in addition to a stop also being on a secondary bus route.

Paris Fontainebleau bus line 208 stops:

Fontainebleau - Cour des Adieux**, Stade de la Faisanderie* **, Francois 1er* **, Porte Nadon, Grinsson, Avenue de Fontainebleau, Gare de Moret Veneux Les Sablons, Route de Fontainebleau, Place Samois, Champ de Mars**, Division Leclerc, Avenue de Sens, La Madeleine, EDF LAB - Les Renardieres**, ZAE des Renardieres, Breau Centre Commercial, Eglise Varennes, Lycee Gustave Eiffel*, Mairie, Grande Garenne, Lepesme***, Gare de Montereau**.

* Secondary route.
** Terminus points depending upon route and time.
*** Only served in one direction.

Paris Fontainebleau bus line 208 main transport connections:

Train line: R.
Bus lines: 19, 46, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 210, A, B, C, E, Emplet, F, G, I, L.

Paris Fontainebleau bus 208 route maps available:

Fontainebleau bus line 208 map - PDF (0.964 MB)
Fontainebleau bus line 208 map - Image (0.966 MB)

Paris Fontainebleau bus 208 timetables:

Fontainebleau bus 208 timetables - PDF (2.560 MB)
Fontainebleau bus 208 timetables - Image (2.789 MB)

RATP Paris bus line 208a with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 208a map with stops and connections
The Paris Bus route for RATP line 208a goes from Champigny - Saint-Maur RER to Champigny - Place de la Resistance, with bus stops such as Rue du Monument, Musee de la Resistance, College Moliere and Rond-Point du Chateau, etc.

Paris bus line 208a stops:

Champigny - Saint-Maur RER, Marche, Mairie de Champigny - Marche*, Mairie de Champigny, Rue du Monument, Martelet, La Cascade*, Musee de la Resistance, Fort de Champigny, Les Mordacs, 11 Novembre 1918, Rue du Bois l'Abbe - Louise Collet, Colombe Hardelet, Rond-Point du Chateau, Chateaudun, Paul Venzac, Champigny - Place de la Resistance.

* Stop served in direction of Champigny - Saint-Maur RER.

Paris bus line 208a main transport connections:

Train Line: A.
Bus Lines: 7, 108, 111, 116, 117, 208b, 208s, 306, 308.

Paris bus 208a route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 208a map - PDF (standard quality - 0.645 MB)
RATP Bus Line 208a map - PDF (high quality - 1.811 MB)
RATP Bus Line 208a map - Image (standard quality - 0.611 MB)
RATP Bus Line 208a map - Image (high quality - 1.069 MB)

Paris bus 208a timetables:

RATP Bus 208a timetables - PDF (1.200 MB)
RATP Bus 208a timetables - Image (2.956 MB)
Paris RATP buses Jardin du Luxembourg

RATP Paris bus line 208b with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 208b map with stops and connections
Meanwhile the RATP line 208b Paris Bus route travels from Champigny - Saint-Maur RER to Le Plessis-Trevise - Place de Verdun, with other stops such as Fort de Champigny, Rabelais, Lycee Champlain, Centre Commercial de Pincevent, Hippodrome, College A Camus - ZA Ponroy, Avenue Ardouin and Avenue Bertrand, etc.

Paris bus line 208b stops:

Champigny - Saint-Maur RER, Marche, Mairie de Champigny - Marche*, Mairie de Champigny, Rue du Monument, Martelet, La Cascade*, Musee de la Resistance, Fort de Champigny, College Moliere, Avenue Georges, Rue des Fusilles de Chateaubriant, Groupe Scolaire Rousseau, Rabelais, Claude Bernard, Rodin, Houdon, College Boileau, Champigny - Chennevieres - Bois l'Abbe**, Jean de La Fontaine, Jean Mermoz, Champlain - Pagnol, Lycee Champlain, Centre Commercial de Pincevent, Hippodrome, College A.Camus - ZA Ponroy, Avenue Ardouin, Avenue Bertrand, Le Plessis-Trevise - Place de Verdun.

* Stop served in direction of Champigny - Saint-Maur RER.
** Terminus on Sunday's and holidays.

Paris bus line 208b main transport connections:

Train Line: A.
Bus Lines: 7, 108, 111, 116, 117, 206, 207, 208a, 208s, 306, 308.

Paris bus 208b route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 208b map - PDF (standard quality - 0.642 MB)
RATP Bus Line 208b map - PDF (high quality - 1.811 MB)
RATP Bus Line 208b map - Image (standard quality - 0.610 MB)
RATP Bus Line 208b map - Image (high quality - 1.071 MB)

Paris bus 208b timetables:

RATP Bus 208b timetables - PDF (1.196 MB)
RATP Bus 208b timetables - Image (2.955 MB)

RATP Paris bus line 208s with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 208s map with stops and connections
Lastly, the Paris Bus route for RATP line 208s that rund in a circuit from Champigny - Chennevieres - Bois l'Abbe but has additional bus stops like Avenue Georges, Rue du Bois l'Abbe - Louis Collet, Rue des Fusilles de Chateaubriant, Chateaudun, Rodin, and College Boileau. Although this route does have a possible diversion, to serve the local College Moliere, and operates instead of lines 208a and 208b at specific times both in the morning and evenings.

Paris bus line 208s stops:

Fort de Champigny, College Moliere, Les Mordacs, 11 Novembre 1918, Avenue Georges, Rue du Bois l'Abbe - Louise Collet, Rue des Fusilles de Chateaubriant, Colombe Hardelet, Rond-Point du Chateau, Groupe Scolaire Rousseau, Rabelais, Chateaudun, Claude Bernard, Paul Venzac, Rodin, Houdon, College Boileau, Champigny - Chennevieres - Bois l'Abbe.

Paris bus line 208s main transport connections:

Bus Lines: 208a, 208b, 308.

Paris bus 208s route maps available:

RATP Bus Line 208s map - PDF (standard quality - 0.646 MB)
RATP Bus Line 208s map - PDF (high quality - 1.811 MB)
RATP Bus Line 208s map - Image (standard quality - 0.612 MB)
RATP Bus Line 208s map - Image (high quality - 1.072 MB)

Paris bus 208s timetables:

RATP Bus 208s timetables - PDF (1.197 MB)
RATP Bus 208s timetables - Image (2.955 MB)

RATP Paris bus line 209 with stops, connections and street plan

Paris bus 209 map with stops and connections
Now the map above shows the RATP Paris bus route for line 209 that travels between Vill-sur-Marne Les Plessis Trevise RER to Pontault-Combault Place Beilstein and this route has additional bus stops such as Marechal Mortier, Chateau des Tourelles, Stade Lucien Morane, Hotel de Ville de Pontault-Combault to name a few.

Paris bus line 209 stops:

Vill-sur-Marne Les Plessis Trevise RER, Georges Deme, Gros Chene, Marechal Mortier, Pasteur, Chateau des Tourelles, Ile Caroline, Therese, francois Mansard, Cimetiere, Buffon, Village Anglais, Bois la Croix, Stade Lucien Morane, Hotel de Ville de Pontault-Combault*, Centre Commercial 2000**, Les Bleuets, Salle des Fetes - Jacques Brel, L'Orme au Charron, Residence des Tilleuis, Massana, College Concordet, Pontault-Combault Place Beilstein.

* Stop served in direction of Vill-sur-Marne Les Plessis Trevise RER.
** Stop served in direction of Pontault-Combault Place Beilstein.

Paris bus line 209 main transport connections:

Train line: E.
Bus lines: 2, 106, 110, 206, 207, 210, 306, 308, 502, A, C, D.

Paris bus 209 route maps available:

RATP Bus line 209 map - PDF (standard quality - 1.019 MB)
RATP Bus line 209 map - Image (standard quality - 0.673 MB)

Paris bus 209 timetables:

RATP Bus 209 timetables - PDF (0.542 MB)
RATP Bus 209 timetables - Image (1.446 MB)

Paris bus line 209 map Avon Gare SNCF to Gare de Champagne to Frederic Mistal and Marangis with stops, connections and street plan

Paris Bus 209 Fontainebleau route map
Operating on a Monday to Saturday the bus line 209 run by Comete and Transdev travels between Gare de Fontainebleau Avon Gare Routiere and Vernou-la-Celle-sur-Seine Marangis, yet as you will see from the maps and timetables there is a key point of Gare de Champagne-sur-Seine with the train line R connections shown, plus an additional terminus point of Champagne-sur-Seine Frederic Mistral, being that some of the bus route is served as a secondary route service.

Paris Fontainebleau bus line 209 stops:

Gare de Fontainebleau Avon Gare Routiere**, Les Cigognes***, Chantoiseau, Mairie de Thomery, Route de Champagne***, Rue du 4 Septembre***, Gare de Champagne-sur-Seine**, Monument***, L'Ouche aux Oiseaux, Place Schneider, Pierre de Coubertin, Mairie, Frederic Mistral**, La Celle*, Moulin de Nanchon*, Rue du Port*, Le Montoir 2*, Le Montoir 1*, Vernou-la-Celles-sur-Seine - Marangis* **.

* Secondary route.
** Terminus points.
*** Only served in a particular direction.

Paris Fontainebleau bus line 209 main transport connections:

Train Line: R.
Bus Lines: 1, 2, 3, 4, 04, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 21, 23, 42-17, 184-001, 184-014, 203, 206, 210, 284-001.

Paris Fontainebleau bus 209 route maps available:

Fontainebleau bus line 209 map - PDF (0.833 MB)
Fontainebleau bus line 209 map - Image (0.869 MB)

Paris Fontainebleau bus 209 timetables:

Fontainebleau bus 209 timetables - PDF (2.856 MB)
Fontainebleau bus 209 timetables - Image (3.172 MB)