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HD photograph of Maillol statue inside Tuileries Gardens looking north westerly - Page 266
This is a view looking in a north westerly direction past one of the Maillol statues called L'Action Enchainee towards the Aile de Marsan and a part of the Aile de Rohan-Carrousel wings of the former Palais du Louvre that look over the Jardin du Carrousel also known as the Cour du Carrousel, which is where we were standing when we took this photograph.
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Now the word Carrousel actually comes from an Italian name for a type of horse tournament, that was a little safer than the original jousting tournaments, which was when King Henri II died from one, but this area of the gardens was named this when King Louis XIV had the area laid out as a courtyard for a major celebration, all documented in an illustrated book by the storyteller Charles Perrault.
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