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HD photographs of Lion a l'Enfant statue on the Pont Alexandre III NE Corner - Page 87

We were again in the 8th Arrondissement admiring the Pont Alexandre III when we took these high definition photos of a lion statue called Lion a l'Enfant, which was sculpted by Georges Gardet.

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Lion a l'Enfant statue Pont Alexandre III north east corner
You will actually find numerous lion statues in Paris at famous tourist attractions like the Tuileries Gardens and within museums such as the Musee d'Orsay, however, this is one of the four lion statues that are located on the Pont Alexandre III, which was constructed for the 1900 World Fair and named after the Tsar of Russia who concluded the French Russian Alliance.
Lion a l'Enfant statue by Georges Gardet
Now this statue is located at the north east corner of the bridge and is called the Lion a l'Enfant, which in English translates to Lion and Child, and made of stone, this was starting to be sculpted back in 1897 by Georges Gardet, who also produced the other lion statue on the right bank, and these were inaugurated at the same time as the other statues on the bridge, in the April of 1900.
Lions head on the Lion a l'Enfant statue
Yet this HD photograph shows a close up of the lions head with its very realistic features, which was produced in stone by Georges Gardet, who was just one of the numerous artists commissioned for different sculptures and statues on the bridge, which was classified as an historical monument back in 1975.
Lion a l'Enfant statue back view
So this image shows one of the lion statues next to the left hand side column as you are at the Pont Alexandre III, and as you can tell, there is an additional pillar topped with a golden statue on the opposite side of the bridge, and these are located on the right bank of the River Seine, which is in the 8th Arrondissement.
Pont Alexandre III north east corner Lion a l'Enfant statue
We mentioned earlier that this was produced by Georges Gardet, who was born in 1863 and entered the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris to become a French sculptor, focusing mainly on animal compositions, and he received many orders from private wealthy clients to sculpt their pets.
Lion a l'Enfant statue front view
However, Georges Gardet was also passionate about wild animals and many of these statue groups are now located within some of the impressive chateaux like Vaux-le-Vicomte and Sceaux plus within parks like Luxembourg Gardens, which is why he was one of animalier sculptors chosen to produce two of the lions for the Pont Alexandre III.
Lion a l'Enfant statue south side
Now this photograph shows a completely different angle of the lion statue on the Pont Alexandre III, and in the background is the Cours la Reine, which leads to the Champs Elysees Gardens and the Petit Palais, which is another popular tourist attraction that was also constructed for the 1900 Universal Exposition in Paris.
Child sculpture on the Lion a l'Enfant statue
And this last photo shows how talented this artist was, to not only be able to produce a realistic lion, but also sculpt the child, garland, fruit, etc for the Lion a l'Enfant statue, which faces towards the entrance onto the Pont Alexandre III, which was is classed as the most extravagant and most ornate bridge over the River Seine.

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