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HD photos of La Resistance de 1814 statue on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris France - Page 120

If you are standing on the Avenue de la Grande Armee side looking at the fabulous Arc de Triomphe, which was originally commissioned by Napoleon Bonaparte I, then you will see two very impressive stone statues come sculptures on each of the columns or pillars that were produced by Antoine Etex, and these are HD photos of the statue group called La Resistance de 1814.

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Arc de Triomphe and La Resistance 1814 statue
As you can tell from this next image, we took the photograph from a slight angle to try and show how The Resistance of 1814 sits next to column on the Arc de Triomphe, and this particular statue group was sculpted by the artist Antoione Etex and incredibly stands almost 13 metres in height.
La Resistance 1814 sculpture
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