High definition photos of Paris City Life - Page 1

Paris like any other major city takes on its own way of life, and after experiencing city life in probably one of the most romantic cities and popular tourist destinations in the world, we thought that we would put together a selection of high definition photos and images that we took, to try and give you even a small flavour of what this impressive city of lights is all about, so that you can enjoy your holiday in Paris even more.

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HD photo of Paris high rise buildings

Paris high rise buildings
Although Paris is known for its historical monuments and tourist attractions, like in any other capital, there is a normal part of city life that exists for people that work and live in a city, and this is a photo we took from the apartment we were staying in, showing some of the modern buildings and the numerous flats or apartments, yet as you can tell, Paris is still trying to think Green with roof terraces being laid out with gardens and areas for relaxation, and if you look closely at ground level in the image, you will see that there was still construction work going on to develop this area further.

Picture showing one of the many Paris cafes to be found around the capital city

Paris cafe and brasserie
There are numerous cafes in Paris that are popular with locals, tourists and business people alike, just as you can see in this photo, and whether you wish to relax and read, have a refreshing drink, a spot of lunch or watch other people going about their day to day life in the city, the street side terraces provide the perfect opportunity to sit in the shade underneath their canopies on a lovely sunny day, relax and watch the daily Paris city life pass by.

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Restaurants in Paris
French food delicacies

This HD photo shows one of the street market stalls selling post cards, prints, badges etc.

Market stall in Paris
Whether you are looking for a book or a souvenir like a print, poster, painting, postcard or even badges, you will find many traders stalls located on the street above the River Seine close to The Louvre and the Hotel de Ville in Paris, which provide a wide variety of different things to catch your eye, just like those that you can see in this HD image, and of course, this is a part of city life for any major holiday destination and another means for people to earn money in the capital of France, which relys heavily on tourism.

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French Markets
French Christmas Markets

Picture of tourists enjoying Tuileries Gardens and relaxing around one of its water fountains

Tuileries gardens and tourists
Tourists are a major part of most cities due to the revenue they bring in each year, and Paris is no exception, however, the capital city of France seems to have catered for those on holiday or those living the city life even more, with a lot of pleasurable activities on offer than some other places, just like the green chairs you can see in this photo that are put out around the basin and its fountain, which people can use for free and are located at prime tourist attractions like the Tuileries Gardens that can be seen here, yet park benches are also very frequent and in places that people can rest their weary legs or just enjoy relaxing in beautiful surroundings within the city.

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Photos of Tuileries Gardens

Photo of workers in gondola cleaning the windows on one of the high rise buildings in Paris

Paris workers on gondola
High rise buildings are a part of Paris city life, but keeping the windows clean can be a very interesting task, and you have to have a good head for heights to be one of the workers on the suspended platform or building maintenance unit that you can see in this high definition photo, yet these permanent platforms supported by a crane on top are also known as gondolas within Europe.

High definition picture of snack bar cafe worker cooking fast food for tourists and Parisiens

Snack bar worker cooking fast food
This is a photograph we took of one of the snack style cafes in Paris, which we took while visiting the quay alongside the River Seine, yet on the same side of the bank as the Eiffel Tower that was just above us, and providing fast foods like hotdogs, kebabs, etc, making this a reasonable cost alternative to some of the other French delicacies on offer at restaurants in the city, and providing quick alternatives for tourists on the go, these types of places like those within market areas are an ideal way of getting something hot to eat and sitting on an idyllic terrace without all the fuss or extra charges that some places add.

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French food and eating out in France
Brasseries and cafes in Paris

Photo of the Highlander pub in Paris

Highlander pub in Paris
Pubs and bars are part of everyday Paris ciy life and can be found all arond the city, with may of them oftening happy hours or specials at certain times, yet ironically, even when you go to another country and city such as Paris, you may well find a place in your own language, and by mistake, or should we say without trying, we came across this bar called The Highlander, and had to take this photo which even shows the blackboard outside written in English instead of French, but offering some firm favourites and comforts including live sports action and quiz nights for those that are living city life away from their native land and pine for a bit of their own traditional pub scene.

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Bars in Paris

This HD photo shows one of the Rickshaws transport systems in Paris sitting next to the Tuileries gardens

Rickshaws transport system in Paris
There are numerous different modes of transport for getting around a city with ease, yet a novel way that has become popular with tourists and now a part of normal Paris city life, are the bike carriages known as a Rickshaw, and this is a photo of one that was located at the Place de la Concorde by the gilded entrance gates to the Tuileries Gardens, and as you can see in this image, it was advertising all destinations, yet as you would expect the price varied for where you wanted to go and another Rickshaw we saw stated a starting price of €40 as of 2013, but it is definitely a bit of fun while on holiday in this fabulous capital city.

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Transport in Paris

Paris houseboats moored along the River Seine

Houseboats in Paris
You will find lots of houseboats moored along the River Seine, and some of these are here permanently all year round, and have been made into beautiful homes and decorated with lots of plants like the boat called the Nova that you can see in this HD picture, which in fact we have found out since that this is actually available as one of the boats to rent in Paris, however, pleasure craft are also found along the river, and even if you do not have the luxury of owning your own boat, then you can also hire a small motor cruiser, or be taken out in a boat and even discover the local canals on the outskirts of Paris, as well.

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River Seine in Paris
Bateaux Parisiens sightseeing cruises

Modern tramway system in Paris at Pont du Garigliano

Paris ramway system
There is a sign to the very left of the image which lets you known that you are at The Pont du Garigliano, although it is hard to make out in this image, yet it is a train station in Paris located within the 15th Arrondissement and serves the RER trains on line C, however, it also now serves the newer tramway system of the Tramway line T3, which was the first modern tram system in the city, and this is a photo we took of one the new trams that ended up carrying over 25 million people in its first year, and is a great way of getting to harder to reach areas of the city such as the Porte de Vincennes that this one goes to.

Close up photo of gardener in the Jardin des Tuileries

Gardener in Jardin des Tuileries
When you are on holiday in Paris or any other tourist destination, you sometimes forget that city life as normal still has to go on, and when it comes to gardens or even building maintenance, this has to be carried out on a regular basis, and this is a high definition photo we took while one of the gardeners were tending to the Jardin des Tuileries at the famous Louvre Museum, to keep them in pristine condition for the delight of everyone, and this gentleman is a part of a whole team dedicated to the task all year round, for the millions of people including tourists and Parisiens who enjoy the glory of the garden originally laid out by Andre Le Notre.

More information

Gardens and parks in Paris

Picture of Paris Monoprix supermarket next to florists

Monoprix supermarket
Even though eating out can be exceedingly enjoyable, if you are discovering city life in Paris for any period of time, then you will most definitely need a supermarket, not just for the French food, but also cleaning materials etc, and this is a photo we took of the Monoprix, which was the nearest retail outlet to us providing food, clothing and much more, yet it was also situated near a Metro stop and a florists providing some beautiful bouquets to take back home.

High definition photo of houseboats moored along the River Seine in Paris

Houseboats moored along the River Seine
There are lots of cities that have a river or canal and Paris is well known for the River Seine, and just like the River Thames in London, you will find that there are always houseboats moored up whether it be permanently or for the season, which is a completely different way of city life, as you can tell from this HD photo we took that shows some of the various boats from different countries including an English houseboat moored up, yet venturing down to the bank is also ideal to take a stroll, just as this couple were doing.

Modern design meets historical architecture of the Louvre Museum in Paris

Modern design meets historical architecture
Historical and old meets modern and new in virtually every city in the world, and although sometimes it can cause controversy, just like the I M Pei Pyramid at the former palace and now the Louvre Museum did in Paris, yet city life always has to evolve and move on, and what we class as new or modern today, will be seen in many years to come as old or historical, and it still seems strange that these very different structures of architecture are in such proximity, but there is a purpose, as the main pyramid you can see in this photo acts as the main entrance to the museum, while the other provides light below ground, yet the beauty of the original chateau has not been changed and is still there for generations to come to admire within the same courtyard.

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Visiting the Louvre Museum
Photos of the Louvre Museum

Photo of Paris market stalls close to the Eiffel Tower

Market stalls next to Eiffel Tower
You will find numerous different markets in Paris, just like in any other city, yet some like this one that you can see in the photo, are far more orientated towards tourists with souvenirs and other more specific items for sale, and this particular set of stalls can be found on the promenade by the River Seine on the same side as the Eiffel Tower just below the landmark, although we do not known if it is there all year round or only during the warmer months.

Picture of tourist and Parisiens enjoying the Jardins du Trocadero gardens

Jardins du Trocadero gardens
We took this photo showing one of the many parks and gardens in Paris, and this particular one is located by the Palais de Chaillot and is a part of the fabulous Jardins du Trocadero Gardens, and as you can see from this picture, there were people relaxing on the grass and one family with young children having a picnic, which is absolutely ideal if you wish to save a bit of money instead of eating out in the city, and this is something you will find that lots of Parisiens do making this a big part of Paris city life.

More information

Visiting Jardins du Trocadero
Photos of Jardins du Trocadero

This photo shows people enjoying the banks of the River Seine on the Ile de la Cite island

River Seine next to Ile de la Cite
Sitting along the banks of the River Seine is a part of Paris city life that is especially popular with local couples and students, and this is a photo we took with people doing just that, while relaxing, sunbathing, watching the birds diving in the water for fish, and maybe admiring the oldest bridge in Paris called the Pont Neuf, which you can also see a part of in this picture and goes from both banks of the river to the Ile de la Cite island.

HD picture of Paris cafe on the Port de Suffren under the Eiffel Tower

Paris cafe on Port de Suffren
Every city comes to life even more during the warmer months and Paris is not exception with cafes that have outside terraces, places to stop for a quick snack or ice cream, and even childrens entertainment like the top of a carrousel merry go round that you can just about see in this picture to the left of the Eiffel Tower, yet the quay below also gets transformed for a relaxing moment by the River Seine, even with fans out to provide a little breeze on a hot day.

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Restaurants at the Eiffel Tower

Photo of tour group on the Pont d'Arcole bridge

Tour group on Pont d'Arcole
As we were standing on the bank of the River Seine with the Hotel de Ville City Hall in Paris behind us, we took this photo of the Pont d'Arcole bridge, which was apparently named after a battle won by Napoleon Bonaparte, and in this image you can see a tour group of people all looking down the river, and they were on one of the walking tours in Paris with a guide explaining more about what they could see in front of them and around, and these tours have become a familiar site and part of the Paris city life for the millions of tourists that visit here each year.

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Tours in Paris

Cargo barges on the River Seine passing under the Passerelle Dedilly footbridge

Cargo barges on the River Seine
The River Seine has been used for centuries as a means of transport and for getting goods into and out of the city of Paris, and although these days you will find sightseeing tours and cruise boats going up and down more frequently, the river is still a part of daily Paris city life for transporting goods, just like in this photograph that we took, which shows two of the cargo barges going along the River Seine having just past the Passerelle Debilly, which is a footbridge or pedestrian bridge that is located reasonably close to the Eiffel Tower.

Local Paris police helping tourists

Paris police helping tourists
The police have a prominent presence in any city, especially during the height of the holiday season, yet the Police in Paris, or Prefecture de Police, have taken this one step further to provide community police who are at least bilingual and are available to help tourists even if it to direct them to nearby tourist attractions, just like these two officers were doing when we took this photograph, yet in Paris there is also a fabulous system in place at the main police station in each Arrondissement that is available in 20 different languages to help out foreign visitors in case the unforeseen happens and you have an accident, get pick pocketed, etc, so from our point of view, they are a welcome sight.

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Police in Paris

Panoramic picture of Paris City life around the Charlemagne statue at Notre Dame

Paris city life at the Charlemagne statue
Every city has some lovely areas to discover, and this is a panoramic photo we took when we were on the Ile de la Cite island by Notre Dame Cathedral while we were looking towards the equestrian statue of around the Charlemagne, and even though it may not always be a pleasant subject, finding public toilets is often an issue when you are out and about for a long period of time, after all, like us, you will want to make the most of you r holiday in Paris, and on this point, although you cannot see them from the angle of this image, there are public conveniences located just by the trees, which is why some of the people were waiting around in the shade.

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Visiting Notre Dame
Photos of Notre Dame

Picture of Paris street vendor selling souvenirs to tourists

Street vendor in Paris
There are lots of street vendors in Paris, and more often than not, the items they are selling are far cheaper than you would get in a souvenir shop, although I don't think all of them have a licence to be selling their goods in certain places, yet just like these two people were doing, if you barter with them, you can get an even better deal and come away with a few more items for your Euros than you would have done otherwise, although, being able to say the odd word and numbers in French can help, as they got the price of three items down from €15 to €8 and the Eiffel Tower the man is holding was €10 in itself at a stall we had just recently passed!

Photo of Bateaux Mouches cruise boat on the River Seine

Bateaux Mouches cruise boat
Taking a holiday in Paris has become one of the well known cities as a popular destination for tourists to visit, and millions of people come from all over the world each year to discover the capital city of France, so as you would expect, there are now many companies offering sightseeing tours and cruises on the River Seine, and this is a photo we took of a Bateaux Mouches sightseeing cruise boat that operate virtually all year round with their fleet of boats, which also includes dinner cruises with dedicated chefs, and as you can see in this image, this one hour sightseeing cruise had just gone past the most famous landmark in Paris, the Eiffel Tower.

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Bateaux Mouches sightseeing cruises
Photos of the Bateaux Mouches

Champ de Mars gardeners working in the gardens

Champ de Mars gardeners
As we have mentioned in one of our other images, even though the parks and gardens in Paris are tranquil, beautiful and very well kept, maintenance has to be performed to keep them like this, and in this photo you can see two of the workers employed to keep the Champ de Mars gardens by the Eiffel Tower looking lovely, along with getting rid of any rubbish that some of the inconsiderate tourists have decided to leave behind in one of the ponds at the foot of this famous landmark, which of course is a part of paris city life that goes on whether it is a nice day like we had, or downright miserable, raining, etc.

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Visiting the Champ de Mars
Photos of the Champ de Mars

Photo of commuters using the Paris Metro system

Commuters using the Paris metro
The Metro is a big part of Paris city life as it is in most other cities in Europe, and this is a photo we took just as we had disembarked from one of the regular tube trains that travel all over the city, and with over 300 different Metro stations, when you see this photo we took on a lovely summers day, it is hard to imagine that they are so crowded during rush hours with commuters going back and forth to work, yet believe us, if you are a tourist and can avoid these times, it is well worth waiting a little longer, or visiting some other tourist attractions nearby prior to travelling back to your hotel or other accommodation.

More information

Photos of the Paris Metro

The notorious roundabout at Place Charles de Gaulle around the Arc de Triomphe

Roundabout at Place Charles de Gaulle
This is a photo we took from across the street looking at the Arc de Triomphe, which is located at the Place Charles de Gaulle that used to be known as the Place de l'Etoile, or Star Square, due to the number of intersections it has, and this is reportedly the most notorious roundabout in Paris, where there just does not seem to be any markings for vehicles negotiating this, and something we did not feel confident enough trying in our car, plus we have heard that there are a few insurance companies who will not even cover people around the Place Charles de Gaulle, and after seeing the traffic without it being rush hour, we can appreciate why, yet it is still a part of daily city life in Paris!

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Visiting the Arc de Triomphe
Photos of the Arc de Triomphe

HD photo of water bus service in Paris called the Batobus

Batobus water bus service in Paris
You will find the public transport in Paris is very good and also very comprehensive, even having a water bus service called the Batobus that runs all year round on a set route, which takes you to different set points and docks on the River Seine, and we took this photo of the Batobus called the Trocadero, and even though this is a popular means of transport for people living in the city as well as those on holiday, we would like to point out that you have to negotiate lots of stairs to board, and therefore it not suitable for the disabled, nor is it really advisable for anyone with limited ability or those carrying pushchairs, luggage, etc.

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Batobus water bus service
Photos of the Batobus service

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